Oh Hunter!

Turning White House Into a 'Fortress'? Federal Agents to Install 'Non-Scalable' Fence Just Before Election Day
"Does this feel like preparation for a peaceful transfer of power?"
Does it stop semi trailer trucks? Cement Trucks, bulldozers and such? Donald is having nightmares about torches, pitchforks and a stake with fire wood stacked around the base on the WH lawn...
Sounds like Trump is already doing that. The WH makes a nice prison. Keep him there for a few months and then move him to a less accommodating prison.
Drill a 3" hole into the bunker and hook it up to the nearest fire hydrant... Simplest solutions are often best, do you really want to see a back hole rip up the WH lawn? :lol:
Can you believe the shit these Republican's are saying and not one Republican is saying different. This is going to be one Sad day for everyone in the United States of America.

They don't want every American's vote counted. This is just plain wrong and Trump Supporters and the Republican party are standing behind this Bullshit.

I say every single one of them if they don't stand behind the right decision should be thrown out of their Seat or Position and maybe even locked up in Prison.
Anyone who say's different should go and Live in North Korea with the KIM'S This is America and we are getting ready to be some Fighting Motherfuckers.