Oh Hunter!

Religion and politics are intrinsically entwined for the most part
Secular civil society is a recent thing in history, it started with the English civil war and toleration among protestants and even Catholics, to a degree. The Puritans or decenters won that war and were a religious minority in the country and later religious refugees in America. These events were less than150 years before the American revolution and the founding fathers were very knowledgeable about this recent period of English history. Religious toleration was expanded in America in an open ended way, while most people thought it was toleration of Christian differences, the constitution doesn't mention what kind of religion.

America and a few years later France established secular revolutionary civil governments, further increasing a separation of church and state that began many centuries before.
Not when I ask not to discuss it. I deserve respect.
As long as your religion doesn't reject science and believe the earth is flat most people don't have an issue. Insofar as faith impacts politics, it's fair game, if someone supports policies for religious reasons there is an issue, abortion and evolution come to mind. In discussion one must defend ones assertions when reasonably challenged.

Your beliefs are personal and private, unless you make them public and only of consequence to others in as much as they impact public policy. This is the politics section, not the religious one, but many born yesterday Christians are born yesterday Trumpers too. Barr and other fanatical Catholics in government are causing grief and don't forget Trump's handmaiden judge!
I'm into Mazda worship myself- I've owned 8 rotary-engined cars

i like the high intensity virgin steel of a volvo. loosely translanted volvo means 'I roll'..i used to work for volvo so i guess i'm partial..my all time favorite was my 1995 940 which was pristine.

"Attention - attention, may I have your attention please?

Thank you, I like attention."

We should appoint a special investigator immediately!
Hahahahahaaa how old are you?
Seriously man come on.
Number one it’s all bullshit.
Number two it’s all bullshit.
Number three there’s TRAITOR in the white house right now!
Old enough to remember watching Tales from the Crypt on HBO while Joe Biden was also running for president, and plagiarizing his speeches iirc