Oh! My cock! My cock!

Did you try putting your cock on a leash?
The only thing I remember about chickens is having to throw rocks to keep them from murdering me. Bad cocks!
I've had chickens for the last 20 plus years. I've lost more than a few over the years but none of them have been run over. Coyote, dogs and hawks all have dined on my chickens over the years and all have suffered for their dining choices with the exception of the hawk. Several years back I caught a juvenile red tail that had tried to get some baby chicks in a coup with no roof but my dogs chased him into a small room off one of the coups and he got caught in a fishing net in the corner and could get himself free.
So I had to help him. The wife and I got him untangled and took him away from the coup and let him go. I think I see him from time to time around the Bird feeders.
Culling the local Bird population .
Yeah I agree, chickens make good pets. I had a hen that was 7 years old when it died. She hatched and mothered 143 chicken seedlings

yeah, it kept laying eggs, then it sat on the eggs but they never hatched because I didn't have a cock. (they make too much noise to early in the morning, you know.)

The snake sanctuary close by needed eggs for their snake eaters so i gave them the "fake eggs?" and they swapped it around for actual eggs that can hatch. Then the hen would raise the chicks and i would take all the chicks back to the snake farm.

The hen got a abscess in the one foot, the vet couldn't get her fixed so I eventually killed her myself. sad day.