Oh my lord. I did dmt...out to space


Well-Known Member
trippy when i did dmt. i litterally stood next to my self and watched what i was doing. i remember saying wow thats what i look like from behind. i really only had about two clear thoughts the whole trip though. the rest was trails, numbness, puking, and floating in space. i litterally side stepped into another dimension.it was insane as they say, even crazier.


Active Member
reefermadness ..dmt isnt like robotripping dude..dextromethorphan (dxm) in robotussin is robotrippin yeah no kiddin huh? i own a pharmacy so i do know what dm in cough suirup is. i was just correcting someone who asked if dmt was the stuff in cough meds.....haha...the real cough med is tussionex cant beat it.
okay word.. dxm*