Oh no I left my light on


Well-Known Member
Looking about 3 weeks into 12-12, 2-3 days ago my breaker tripped on my exhaust fan so my roommate was home lucky me he opened the tent up cuz He couldn't figure out how to get the fan on so they didn't fry. I didn't know he pushed my timer button in to always on so this morning I woke up and realized they were on..
They look stressed maybe cause they were expecting a dark cycle or maybe lack of water. What do ya'll think this does to maturing flower besides stressing the plant I really was doing great but now a lot of cupping claws just watered now and going to leave the HID and LED off today and only run the t5s what do ya'll think I should do thanks


Well-Known Member
Also I've had one plant with this odd mutation loss specs of pigment on one third of this plant and the left mid leaf in that side of the plant hooks sideways.
Is this a partial albino? Cant find any mutation like this it's a c99 plant from growers Choice seeds



Well-Known Member
anyones thoughts on how leaving lights on 24/hours for 3 days after 3+ weeks of 12/12 will effect the flowering of my plants?
i am back on 12/12 now..


Well-Known Member
After 3 weeks into flower it will need to Reveg. You'll have 2 weeks of weird growth to look forward to.


Well-Known Member
dang well i guess theres no choice now.. i should just leave it flowering or do i re-veg then re-flower?? i get this will add a month but these plants are 3 feet tall one is 4 feet tall and maybe it would be worth it? its on the 2nd or 3rd day now back into 12/12


Well-Known Member
anyones thoughts on how leaving lights on 24/hours for 3 days after 3+ weeks of 12/12 will effect the flowering of my plants?
i am back on 12/12 now..
Look, a lot of the experts here will tell you "no biggie. There's always light outdoors", etc etc.

Imo, you screwed up beyond repair.

Also, for some strange reason, the terms reveg and herm are used interchangeably.


Well-Known Member
A day or two at 18/6 would probably be fine but 72 hours of straight light during week 3 of flower would honestly have me worried.

If you decide to let it go, watch for signs of stress.