It seems that way when you are totally deranged. I told you over a month ago to seek professional help.up is down and black is white in nodrama's world.
the majority of cases where austerity fails? oh, that wasn't austerity.
you sound just like socialists trying to defend where socialism fails. "oh, that wasn't TRUE socialism".
Why are you making fun of your own quote?you sound just like socialists trying to defend where socialism fails. "oh, that wasn't TRUE socialism".
It seems that way when you are totally deranged. I told you over a month ago to seek professional help.
lol.Why can't these knuckle dragging Liberals just accept 0bama for the true failure that he is? Are these die hard defenders some kind of neo-racists or what?
muddying the racist waters, i see.
lame. just like your copy and paste jobs.
Libruls I know are rejecting Obama in droves. Even the "Obama Girl" from 08 isn't supporting him anymore. I had Obama over to the house yesterday, but the mop broke.Why can't these knuckle dragging Liberals just accept 0bama for the true failure that he is? Are these die hard defenders some kind of neo-racists or what?
I'll be! And to think I have him/her/it on ignore.Obama is Our Lord & Savior. Get Over It.
UncleBuck Preaches Truth & you should soak up this priceless knowledge being given to you because one day you will be unable to heed UBs words of wisdom & that.. that is when you will know the true meaning of appreciation.
Austerity fails when you won't cut welfare for political reasons but will chop all other Government services to pieces. It also fails when you pay your oversized public service too much and refuse to "trim the fat".i see the tardbots have started to ignore the austerity debate and have moved on to cursing vile fate that they are stuck with a mixed race man lowering their taxes as president.
I feel like I did earn it. I've been paying into it my entire working life (without a choice). I am entitled to it because it is my money.If Welfare were earned instead of being an entitlement, it encourages success, as opposed to enslaving another generation in poverty.
so, people have no choice but to take welfare?Austerity fails when you won't cut welfare for political reasons but will chop all other Government services to pieces. It also fails when you pay your oversized public service too much and refuse to "trim the fat".
If Welfare were earned instead of being an entitlement, it encourages success, as opposed to enslaving another generation in poverty.
...........true, but MOST who are on it, don't WANT to get off it. FACT!so, people have no choice but to take welfare?
anyone who wants to can get off of welfare. FACT.
Statistics for "long term unemployed" or people who claim benefits but who've never been employed from countries that have full blown welfare states tend to disagree, welfare dependency is a psychological state people get into when they get hooked on the, people have no choice but to take welfare?
anyone who wants to can get off of welfare. FACT.
i'd like to see you back that claim (not fact) up with citation............true, but MOST who are on it, don't WANT to get off it. FACT!
You back up your "FACT".i'd like to see you back that claim (not fact) up with citation.
common sense?You back up your "FACT".![]()
True, very true. And the state perpetuates that addiction.welfare dependency is a psychological state people get into when they get hooked on the cheddar.
Ok you tell a woman youll pay for her to have kids, so she has 4 kids and lives off the exactly does one break out of that cycle?common sense?
no one is forced to take welfare?
didn't know that was particularly controversial. if you show me where people are being forced to take welfare, i'll admit that i was making shit up.