oh no my plant isn't looking good

the last week it has been getting yellow. It is in per-flower week 2 outdoors. both plants on the same feed schedule and the permafrost is good looking but the big blueberry is getting really yellow. what do I need to do or add. I just use well water PH 6..5 and Humboldt nutrients bloom 0-6-5 for flower. Im going to buy foxfarm tiger bloom today and switch and some calmag+ if I need it. IDK though. I know the yellowing is normal in flower but this look excessive to me. then again I'm a noob and this might be totally normal? LOL just looking for some advice thanks.


Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Your plants are in flower, not preflower. Plants become yellow during flower. Especially fed 0-6-5, that has zero Nitrogen. Feed a little dose of N and Cal Mag(optional) for the next feeding. Then back to only bloom. Looking good tho.


Well-Known Member
It wasn't stocked up on nitrogen before it went into flower, now look at your flower nutes NPK ratio, there is no nitrogen in it. I suggested you get some nitrogen to it. I make sure they are nice and green before flowering starts and depending on the color of them will feed nitrogen and flower nutes into the first few weeks of heavy flowering and stop nitrogen about half way thru but even my flower nutes have some nitrogen in them. It is never 0 .
BINGO! that's exactly what I was thinking. The lack of nitrogen in the nut. hence the reason for the change to foxfarm I used last year and didn't have any issues. Also the Plant was very healthy and green at start of flower. as you can see in my other posts. thanks for the help and confirming my suspicions. now off to hydro store. ya'all are awesome...


Well-Known Member
I see claw curl leafs. Could be overwatering as well. Or even root bound.

OP feed half dose of N to start out. Do it to one plant only and see if it greens up. If so do the others.