OH YEAHHH Got my first REP Point!


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot 40 Acres. Ill be sure to return the favor. I think the more rep points you have is kind of a rating system to see who knows what they are talking about. If you post good posts people give you reputation points. As they go up more people know you are experienced at what you are talking about and not a newb talking out his A^&@SS


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot 40 Acres. Ill be sure to return the favor. I think the more rep points you have is kind of a rating system to see who knows what they are talking about. If you post good posts people give you reputation points. As they go up more people know you are experienced at what you are talking about and not a newb talking out his A^&@SS
lol..well I certainly won't be getting any of those. I'll be sure to come to you with any questions that might arise. Peace


Well-Known Member
I Agree That They Are A Good Idea I Dont Agree That A Newbie Cant Give Good Advise Sorry Mate Thats Shit I Dont Profess To Knowing Anything But If I Read A Post That Concerns Something That I Have Done In Past And Found A Answer Then Surely Thats Good Advise And Not Talking Out My Arse As My Pics Show



Well-Known Member
LOL... I am a newb and completly agree with you. It is just a rank status I think. Besides I am sure there are people who just joined on here but have been growing for 10+ years. I def. think newbs can give good advice.


Well-Known Member
Deja Vue, You can pass rep around anyway you want to, it still takes a lot of work to get 1000 points. You will not get that many by trying too, you will only do it if you help others, even when it means pointing out were the information they have is wrong. Its kinda like post count, a one person thread goes nowhere, you have to involve others. And the reason rollitup has been as successful as it has is because we have put the emphasize on helping others through their grow journals. Its hard to ignore the conversation when you started it. And if you keep one going for a few posts, you will like the results you get. I have seen some of your posts stang it doesn't suprize me that you got repped. Thanx for bringing the conversation up again. VV


Well-Known Member
uhhh... not sure what you mean, The rep is on the top right, not labeled just below Gallery. You gallery is twice my size, now I'll have to go look at your pics to find out why you have so many more than me. VV