i was using rock wool cubes for the first time..and i put water and lemon mixed in a bowl and put the cubes in..the seeds already cracked open with a little tap root sticking out..one of them got really long..i was trying to veg with a 400watt hps and it was about a foot away.. i had them in a dome..i checked them in the morning and felt that the cubes were really hot. so i took a peek. and i seen the tap root not growing at all anymore and a little bit of brown on the tip like if it got burned. so i put them back in a cup of water for about an hour with a small airstone.. went out and got dirt.. and planted them in cups..and nothing 2 days later..u think i messed something up? will they survive..pls help. anything i can do? these are my last big bud seeds and i was planning to mate them to get more seeds...thankz