Ohio Friends, Here is Your Chance to Make a Difference!


Well-Known Member
Once again, Rep. Kenny Yuko has introduced legislation that would protect seriously ill Ohioans from arrest for using marijuana in consultation with their physicians. This is the second year in a row that Yuko has introduced his bill, so will it fare better than last year? Let’s hope so. Due to term limits, this is Yuko’s last go ‘round in the statehouse, so medical marijuana will need a new champion if this year’s bill doesn’t pass. the link to this page: http://www.mpp.org/states/ohio/overv...testify-1.html

Here are pages from Norml and Marijuana Policy Project that are awsome for sending to your state rep in OHIO ! United we Stand and be counted! (or) Stoned and Staring we Screwed! Choice Wisely!
Norml http://capwiz.com/norml2/issues/alert/?alertid=45282501
MPP https://secure2.convio.net/mpp/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=430&JServSessionIdr004=pj8md704f2.app205b

pick one, pick both! rofl, its your chance to make a difference for Ohio!


I've been reading a few articles lately about Peter Lewis (Chairman of Progressive Insurance ). He has funded alot of MMJ campaigns. He is currently pushing and funding to have MMJ on the Ohio ballot in Nov, 2012. It always helps when you have a billionaire on your side, lol. Hopefully this time Ohioians will have a choice, we don't need any more crooked politicians shut down our bills when it get to the house.


Well-Known Member
bumb every 1 needs to see this, we need to make some youtube video's, tell all family and friends.

Hell i need to be a activist lets get this shit poooppin


thanks for the link. listening to a talk show recently i found out that bestiality is legal in ohio.... God forbid medical marijuana be lol. all we can do is keep trying.