Ohio Marijuana Mystery

ky man

Well-Known Member
you ever hear of a silencer? had to have one. first shot would've woke everyone in the house

no way the others just stayed in bed waiting to get shot.
There is no such thing as a silencer.there is supersurs [that is not spelled rite} and you can use 22 long with one and there very quiet for close rang..killing..ky


Well-Known Member
Hey at least the shooter didn't go all gangster and just shoot up some houses from the street like an idiot with the old spray and pray method.
Getting IN the houses without waking someone up would be the hard part. You'd be surprised how easily it actually is to pick the locks on a front door. A buddy of mine took up lock picking as a hobby (crazy prepper) and can damn near open up anything in front of him in seconds. House doors are easy pickings. Less than 10 seconds easy. Unless you're spending a lot of $ on your front door locks they're vulnerable as hell in the off chance some lock pick wielding rogue wants to get in there. I know the scenario is a little far fetched and all but getting in wouldn't be an issue.
As far as the whole silencer argument you don't need a high powered firearm to kill someone in their sleep. A .22 with a high quality suppressor would do the job at point blank range no problem. The neighbors wouldn't know any different. Like it said they took loads of precautions in order to get the job done and cover their tracks.


Well-Known Member
you ever hear of a silencer? had to have one. first shot would've woke everyone in the house

no way the others just stayed in bed waiting to get shot.
Well I didn't know they were all sleeping should have had dogs and guns that could have prevented this ain't nobody sneaking into my house without my dogs going crazy. I figured execution like they rounded them up and shot them in the head but dogs and guns they would have had a chance for sure.


Well-Known Member
We got dogs. I also have driveway alarms and motion sensors in the house. You are not getting in my crib without me knowing.
Good shit. One of the first things I did when I moved was install a gate for the driveway, and upgrade my cameras. The entire house inside and out (outside on motion sensors) plus the backyard, gets recorded 24/7. Everything gets automatically uploaded to a cloud host, and there is a service that will stream any camera directly to your phone wherever, whenever. Anyone who says that cameras, dogs, and weapons etc. are overkill has never lost anything valuable...


Well-Known Member
Good shit. One of the first things I did when I moved was install a gate for the driveway, and upgrade my cameras. The entire house inside and out (outside on motion sensors) plus the backyard, gets recorded 24/7. Everything gets automatically uploaded to a cloud host, and there is a service that will stream any camera directly to your phone wherever, whenever. Anyone who says that cameras, dogs, and weapons etc. are overkill has never lost anything valuable...
Forgot that part. We put in cameras also.


Well-Known Member
I also seen some more on this story. There was a cousin/family member interviewed on the news an he said there was dogs there that would have eaten any one up, unless who ever did it was familiar with them. Sounds like an inside job for sure.

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
Well I didn't know they were all sleeping should have had dogs and guns that could have prevented this ain't nobody sneaking into my house without my dogs going crazy. I figured execution like they rounded them up and shot them in the head but dogs and guns they would have had a chance for sure.

100% with you and pin on this. security is pretty important. i read somewhere yesterday that the cops are saying they got 100's of plants as well as cock fighting birds. something ain't right about this....just seems like a professional hit. especially since the cops have no suspects and have told other family members to arm themselves. it's not someone obvious like an ex husband who went off on a nut


Well-Known Member
According to the reports they did have very vicious dogs that would've attacked any outsider. Maybe not as vicious as they thought, or the perpetrator(s) knew the dogs.

And authorities also discovered evidence of cock fighting. Not the TnT kind, but with real birds.
Could have druged the dogs especially if they were outside fenced around the house. Or just well connected working with a cartel and possibly even cartel trained dogs you know them cartels are setting up some big grows even gangs could be Hell's Angel's even.

Just so much money in weed and it ain't even coming over the border for shit. Pretty much why I don't want to be Al Capone of weed you got to kill a lot of people especially these days so many fucking gangs. Although gangs ain't nothing new just America.


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Staff member
According to the reports they did have very vicious dogs that would've attacked any outsider. Maybe not as vicious as they thought, or the perpetrator(s) knew the dogs. And authorities also discovered evidence of cock fighting. Not the TnT kind, but with real birds.

It does sound like the bad guy/s knew the dogs - which makes it that much worse, like family or close friends.
Secondly, the part about Cock fighting was funny as shit which makes me feel somewhat guilty about giggling when I read it.
Fucker! :wink: