Solid bounce may not be any more than a relief rally. !st rule in successful investing: DON'T TRY TO CATCH A FALLING KNIFE. U.S. has massive new reserves, I suspect other countries picked up some goodies also.Bolivia will be coming on line fracking shortly.Poor nations can't sit on their resources,more supply to come. Bottleneck now is transport and distribution, short term problems.When we can supply Europe, short term bottom may be seen (Russian production must go somewhere: read cheap). Other massive usage cut -backs coming (combustion engine going the way of old soldiers).Equipment manufs. and service Cos. may work out, rest speculation at this time.Is your little bro or dad particularly knowledgeable about macroeconomics? The very fact that they are buying would give me pause. In a global downturn - such as what is currently developing - oil could go much lower and stay there for longer than anybody now believes possible. It isn't just oil either: the bloomberg commodity index is falling...and there is no sign of a bottom. Falling commodity prices have been known to precede falling equity prices. The summer of 1929 is a good example of this.
That is not to say there won't be a solid-looking bounce in oil. I'd say that is coming shortly. However, IMO, the bottom in oil prices has yet to be reached. There isn't even any 'blood in the streets' yet.
Second mouse gets the cheese.
Didn't say "solid bounce". Said "solid-looking bounce". Those are two very different things as I am sure you would agree. I know the game quite well and was merely trying to enlighten the OP a bit. That, however, was a waste of time.Solid bounce may not be any more than a relief rally. !st rule in successful investing: DON'T TRY TO CATCH A FALLING KNIFE. U.S. has massive new reserves, I suspect other countries picked up some goodies also.Bolivia will be coming on line fracking shortly.Poor nations can't sit on their resources,more supply to come. Bottleneck now is transport and distribution, short term problems.When we can supply Europe, short term bottom may be seen (Russian production must go somewhere: read cheap). Other massive usage cut -backs coming (combustion engine going the way of old soldiers).Equipment manufs. and service Cos. may work out, rest speculation at this time.
It got to the point where it was cheaper to buy it on the open market than to dig it out of the ground. That marked the bottom.250?! put salt in the wound why don't ya lol
Enlighten the OP a waste, true. You are ,imo, right that credit is the force driving prices for the medium turn, although the Saudis are a factor. I don't think you give enough credit to better dist. and new supply just a little farther out. #2 Oil will bottom very low, I see it hugging the bottom for some time unable to overcome a glut of new wells, etc. #1 End of cheap .........Think about that for awhile.Didn't say "solid bounce". Said "solid-looking bounce". Those are two very different things as I am sure you would agree. I know the game quite well and was merely trying to enlighten the OP a bit. That, however, was a waste of time.
As for "reasons" in regards to what is going on with the oil price, there is only one that matters in my view: credit is contracting, globally. In less than six months, the price of oil has been cut in half. I don't see that as a result of production.
Just for fun, I will add two predictions:
1. The coming low will mark the final end of cheap oil.
2. Oil will bottom at < $10 per barrel.
Don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to biotechs per se. But the coming bear market is going to be tough. Biotechs which may be excellent investments are going to follow the broad list down. When we do hit bottom, they are definitely going to be one of the top equity investments available.
As for equities, now is the time for selling not buying. Consensus says that there will be one last market high, but by the very fact that it is consensus opinion, I am wary of it. Yesterday had the look of a bear market rally, which would mean that the secular bear has already resumed.What would you buy now?
Whys it got to be a bear market? Maybe it just goes into a multi year consolidation? High beta names will get hit the hardest period across the board no matter the sector. So you sold every new high in a the raging bull market? What if it channel jumps the trend and goes parabolic since the market has shown more strength why should the "consensus" of the market matter? Its as fickle as the fundamentals people pretend matter.Don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to biotechs per se. But the coming bear market is going to be tough. Biotechs which may be excellent investments are going to follow the broad list down. When we do hit bottom, they are definitely going to be one of the top equity investments available.
Have a look at Biogen. The current 6 year cyclical bull has been driven by fed intervention, which created a temporary confidence. Since the fed is not in control of private property (AKA communism), there is zero possibility that they have "control" over what is still substantially a free market.Whys it got to be a bear market? Maybe it just goes into a multi year consolidation? High beta names will get hit the hardest period across the board no matter the sector. So you sold every new high in a the raging bull market? What if it channel jumps the trend and goes parabolic since the market has shown more strength why should the "consensus" of the market matter? Its as fickle as the fundamentals people pretend matter.
The problem with EW (one of them), is which index? They are too overly managed and thereby misleading. I generally follow the Russell 2000 as its composition somewhat overcomes that problem. At the moment, it sure looks like it is going to continue down...whether a C or a 3.Im in the camp that we are in the 3rd wave of a monthly elliot cycle that eventually will see a correction. That will have generated technical signals market corrects and drives to even more highs.