Well actually if you get anything ideally you're gonna want to be using Ti, which is whats on the curve(or swing if you wanna call it that). If you go with the dome and nail setup you're gonna want to get a titanium nail for it.
The biggest difference between the 3 types of nails (Ti, Glass, and quartz) is that Ti heats pretty quick and holds the heat for a longer period of time, and it will NEVER break. As opposed to glass/quartz which heat up and cool down super fast, and are going to end up breaking on you eventually because of this. Now with the cooling times, normally this isn't a big deal but if you're taking big dabs, or are all stoned and forget to prep your dabber, cant find your dome piece ect.. then it really comes in handy.
But i will mention that people do say that you get better flavor when it comes to quartz and glass nails.
As for which setup is better its totally on you honestly. I paid $90 for my HMK curve and that was after being aqualab taxed, so $100 is kind of on the highside for a curve(depending on who blew it). The dome setup will probably run you 30-60 for a completely plain jane dome setup without a nail. and then another $65 if you decide to go Ti nail.