OJ Simpson. Murderer or not?


Slow speed chase! the guy was flying atleast 80mph the chase lasted for hours I remember finally giving up and going to sleep. I'm pretty sure OJ lost that house in his separation like most men do, cant say my old lady hasn't pissed me off enough to atleast entertain that thought. The guy was rich he thought he would get off with a well paid attorney and he was right. But at the expense of virtually no one willing to touch him with a ten foot pole

The Knuck

Active Member
Slow speed chase! the guy was flying atleast 80mph the chase lasted for hours I remember finally giving up and going to sleep. I'm pretty sure OJ lost that house in his separation like most men do, cant say my old lady hasn't pissed me off enough to atleast entertain that thought. The guy was rich he thought he would get off with a well paid attorney and he was right. But at the expense of virtually no one willing to touch him with a ten foot pole
There may have been hi speed moments, but parts of it were at like 20mph, because it was on TV i remember ppl were lining certain streets to watch him go by.