OK. Are you a racist?

I’m being serious man. I don’t even like Trump but it’s all hearsay bs.

ik no

I am not, I do fear for our democratic processes though as should you.

I don't like Trump, but

But nothing the guy was shaking down Ukraine using funds that were important to a US national security initiative. The conversation where he did that was literally recorded. Hearsay, my ass.
And THAT is exactly the way 80% of the people feel.
And THAT is exactly why Trump will be re-elected.

The longer Nancy holds up the impeachment process, the better it is for Trump.
I don't understand why she's doing that.
It doesn't make sense to me.
I don't see the agenda.

because people are 'disturbed' by Mitch McConnell's behavior..people from your side:

Democrat an Republican politicians are different? Whose naive now? Lighthearted goofin bud. Serious political discussion on a cannabis site (or in public) is the very essence of an oxymoron. Sorry for trolling lol I thought this was about racism.....?

The Republicans have it easy, they legislate for only one constituency, the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only. Since they enacted the Southern Strategy in the 70's as a response to the civil rights movement, it has left the Democrats to be the only party legislating for the everyone in our country.

The Republicans have been consolidating power and burning the bridge behind them as the Democrats catch up ever since. It is not the same on both sides, that is just propaganda from the right wing.

I’m being serious man. I don’t even like Trump but it’s all hearsay bs.

ik no

I am not, I do fear for our democratic processes though as should you.
Where are you hearing that it is hearsay?

Because if it is from Trump, he lies to us, if it was his minions, they have been proven while under oath that they lie to us. Unless they are sworn in under penalty of law, Trump's administration have all shown their willingness to lie to the public.

And what should you expect liars to do when they are caught doing illegal shit? That is correct, they will lie.

So if you are getting your information from them, that is the problem.

We can get into all the different 'sources' of information out there next. Have you ever heard of OANN or Epoch Times?

Lul, take it easy there buddy. Anyone with a brain knows that the “big money” runs this shit. Everything else is a distraction. Open your eyes

Let's pretend for a moment you are correct (I disagree, but not important atm), I would rather have a political paid for by an American who at the very least has skin in the game of having our country do well than aforeign government who does not have any interest in America being prosperous.
It must suck to be a naive moron.
Yes it must be a pain to wonder who the dems are gonna run against orange hair? I believe were gonna hear more loser rubbish like "I won't seek the democratic leadership unless I have a good chance of winning"? Disorganized lugans Bernie Sannders oh fuck why not Larry David as his running mate, couldn't tell em apart.
You love Trump, no objective person sees that as hearsay.

"I want you to do us a favor though"

They call that hearsay on Fox?

something that is often forgotten which is important..'but'.

when directly asking Trump* about purchasing Javelins, the reply was 'but, I want you to do us a favor, though'.

that little word implies way more than it's being given credit for..:wink:

Yes it must be a pain to wonder who the dems are gonna run against orange hair? I believe were gonna hear more loser rubbish like "I won't seek the democratic leadership unless I have a good chance of winning"? Disorganized lugans Bernie Sannders oh fuck why not Larry David as his running mate, couldn't tell em apart.
Why? The Democratic party doesn't need a savior to rule over them like Trump fans do. They just need someone who is decent, can appoint good smart people to do the job of running their departments, and can help ease tensions with our global partners who (like all of us who don't bend the knee to Dear Leader) have been constantly trolled by Putin's puppet President* Trump.