my opinion would be to either toss the males out cus they WILL fertilize the females and then ur stash wouldnt be anywhere near the potential they should be or take the males out and grow em outside and just let mother nature take care of them, make hash or something out of them, i had 8 lowryders 2 of which were male , i sold 1 plant to my mate for £20 just so he had a plant to look at and grew the other outside, ended up kicking it and the pollen balls exploded everywhere - funny, its about the only use for males.
the females are turning into pure beasts and after only 6 weeks from seed they all have beasty buds that smell so sweet!
just be patient, buy some pot to smoke meantime - remember marijuana is a weed it will grow in shit conditions, show it some love and trust me it will love u back
water them when needed and feed twice a week depending how far along u are, dont feed siblings they will just burn, good luck fellow toker and remember 'smoke weeed everydaay'
heres a bud from my kid