Ok dirt growers gimmie som ideas


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Ok fletch is bored and wanting to do some old school growing in soil.So Im thinking just a real simple 15-18 plant grow in 5 gallon buckets.So Ill have my clones in my soil rooted and ready but Im lazy and busy which is why I grow aero.I want to setup the little grow with a timmed water pump and drip system.Im looking for a time suggestion here.Lets say I mix my weeks nutrient solution in my little res and hook my pump and lines up with a dripper in each bucket. How long should I run a dripper for and how many times aday should it come on.I dont wanna under or over water and know Ill have to fine tune it but anyone use a drip on timer daily and have a good start point.bring the replies...Probably use 2 400 watt lights on this thing maybe 1 1000 watter gotte see how much are it actual is when setup


Well-Known Member
Maybe do a tester on the pots and soil. ur never know wat the run off excess will be till u try. maybe 2-4 minutes 4 times an hour if its trickling out slowly!


Well-Known Member
As you are well aware fletch soil will differ from grower to grower. It's going to depend heavily on drainage and how much water you have to give them and how often.

Then say you want to do 12 plants and get a 200 gal pump and split it between 12 and then use regulator drip stakes. You can figure out how many minutes per day to give the desired feed.

So say you have a 80lph drip stake, and you want to give it 400ml of water per day you can easily work out the maths


Mr I Can Do That For Half
LOL Im so lazy right now and now I gotta do math too damn .I think these drippers are like 8 gph so lets see say 16 plants times 8 gph each thats what 128 gph total output.I usually hand water 1/2 gallon every other day per 5 gallon bucket so think if I set it for 4 times a day thats what 1/8 gallon per time per pot with 8gph drippers so whats that about 2-3 minutes per on time so 4 times a day for 2-3 minutes every other day with a res change every 8 days with new nute mix hmmm gonna ahve to consult my nute guide for soil solutions been awhile might not have to change ppm that much with soil just adjust ph...Sound like Im zeroing in to a start point here.So i need 200 gph pump which I have with a fott rise in hose so that puts me at about 150 gph which is pretty clse with some lose due to hose distance should be close huh?


Well-Known Member
The 200 gal pump will provide decent pressure for the drippers and make sure that each one puts out the 8 gal. Your maths seems to be about right but its not going to be recirculating. At first you can fill it with water and then gently increase with nutes and keep the ph in place. I don't see you needing to do tank changes because its not going to be recirculating if you get the maths right you should keep it moist with no run off.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Id still have to do tank changes as the grow sstages go on though correct? As the plant get bigger or closer to flower the mix of the nutes changes so id still have to up the strength or change from nitro to phos...you see that cat in my avatar..Thats me right about now lol


Well-Known Member
I believe that most soil contains enough nutes to last 30-40 days, so you may have to add a little veg in at mild strength towards the end of veg, but then if you keep your ec correct you can bring it up with bloom nutes and the plant will still utilize the nitrogen for the inital bloom period where it has vigorous growth.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Thats right about what I was thinking since I use miracle grow moisture control soil as its my fav. I wouldnt feed at all for 4 weeks just adjust needed ph then maybe add if any signs came up .Only thing I got work out is I plant to only veg for 12 days then go 12/12 on these so gonna have to ease the phos in and watch the soil ph


Well-Known Member
Unless you wanted to use some media without nutes in, yo could use the mircale grow for the first two weeks, let it use up the nutes in a small pot and then transplant to a pot with a different soil without as much nutes in and add in the pk.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yeah that would work but Im reall real real lazy and would hate to transplant once I set this up. I wann plug it in and walk away til res fil lol.Im tellin you Im really lazy lol