This is my second grow and I followed the same techniques as my first grow which was 100% successfull but for some reason the Ph level is arund 7.5 and my babies are all ending like this any tips on lowering Ph, just give the me the prognosis straight can they be saved?
check out the grow faq it tells how to lower the PH (pretty sure) but go to lowes or home depot and but some potting soil and trans plant ASAP other wise they will just keep dying
be very careful with the lime juice, it is very acidic and will easily drop the PH. each lime is diff though, so you may just do it a few drops at a time and test the h2o. drop the ph and the plants will be fine, but you may want to skip nutes for a watering or so. late
Dolomite gives a neutral 7.. for soil you should be at 6.2 - 6.8... try adding a couple of drops of vinegar to about a litre-gal(if PH down is not in the budget)..but check before doesn't take much...
these you have to play around with because every area has a slightly different PH.... Luck.
ph down is unavailable for at least 2 weeks due to my location everything must be ordered
ok so i'm running to the store now to get some lemon or lime juice then I will water i also going to apply a small bit of dolemite lime to the top soil to try and stabilize everyhting if that doenst work or if things look bad over the next few day I will pull a emergency transplant of all of them.
not a professional but that might look like root bound a bit...happened to me those look like small pots and those are decent sized little guys...i dont believe 7 is way too high for plants to do that much damage...but just a thought
I wrote a nice long reply and it didn't take and I lost it.
You mixed two soils together and there has to either be an interaction between what the two are made of and contain or a problem with your pots leeching chemicals.
I can think of no way to fix it, maybe a transplant into a much larger container with just one of those soils in it to make up the difference, with dolomite lime added. In the hopes that might smooth it out but I doubt it.
I've not ever been successful at getting the ph of a plant in soil back on track once it's that far gone. Good luck.
Lime ups the ph,right?his is to high... get a ph test kit from pet store 10 bucks check water ph, add nutes to lower ph if its time to feed root bound is ok if you feed and watch ph if not feeding test and lower with ph down lower a bit at a time or youll get some ph spoting that should fix ya up or transplant to larger pot but still monitor ph every watering have fun..... the ph up and down for fish last longer than lime juice to lower and baking soda to raise always test PH