OK! First Hydroponics setup!


Active Member
Here are some updated pictures for everyone to look over! These suckers are getting big really fast. I up'ed the nutes according to the back of the bottle to 1tsp/gallon. (I gave it a lil extra though.) Seems like they like it. :weed:

I think I should be getting close to the pre-flowering phase where I might be able to start seeing some gender. Hopefully all girls. :D I think its supposed to be week 4-6 right? I hope.




Active Member
11-2-08 === 2 Free seeds i had plugged in.
11-9-08 === 2 Bubblegum seeds I put in.

I'm now on coming up on to my 5th week for my first 2 plants!

My girls are large and growing strong! But I did realize something, my PH tester was messed up.... I've been growing them in extremely basic water all this time. LvL's were probably around 2.0 :cry: All this time. ....

But for some reason, they are still growing ok... Strong as a matter of fact, I have 0 rot, big leaves, no wilting, no browning... i dont know. All I know is that they are growing super fast like friggen weeds. No pun intended!

How do my babies look! I should just go ahead and make a journal instead of constantly posting on this old thread now.
But like usual, please comment and let me kno if anything looks wierd.

I'm adding 2 tsps / gallon now to my nute soup of FloraNova. They seem to be doing really well. I have a muffin fan attatched to the top portion of the cabinet blowing air in for 30 minutes / off 1 hour during the day time. At night I leave them off cuz its too cold. :joint:




Active Member
Hello everyone! I'm back with my most recent updated pictures!

And guess what!
I'm 3 weeks into flowering! But I made a silly mistake...
My darn plants have been burning! ... :cry:

My lil closet i built is 4 feet high and the plants were about 2.5feet tall when i started flowering...

They are budding and now the top is too close to the lights... and are burning my leaves and buds...

I decided the only way to rescue this is to create an enclosed lighting outside of the box with openings to let in light. This is the only way I can save my lil girls.
2 girls by the way out of 4... but the other two look like they might be males... Well, I dont kno yet. The other two are different strains and maybe are taking longer to flower? I dont know. but I do see some things that look like buds, and I dont see the male sacs yet so maybe I'm not at a total loss. But yes, 2 females and buds are a plenty! Hopefully they grow well and I'll be able to harvest in about 2 weeks.

Wish me luck!


