Ok folks, its your favorite newb game.. GUESS, THAT, YIELD.

Based on the fact i know those are 600 watts, looks like 2, all has gone pretty damn well for you. If you let these finish for 2-3 weeks, i would say you are some where between 1000 and 1100 grams. My exact guess is 1067 grams. Either way based on all your posts i have read, you have done an amazing job. Is this your first run with any indoor plants?
Thanks for the kudos. I did stress the living fuck out of them in week 5-6 but I learned from my mistake so we will see.
Yeah this is my first indoor grow. Grow outdoors a long time ago. So nice to just walk downstairs insted is hiking 3 miles uphill to get to the plants. Plus I fucking live hydro!
nice bro. enjoy when the time comes.. how was that nectar? they in dro? was it corrosive? you running co2??
i say 2.2lbs dried up possibly once done gainin that hard weight. keep us posted!
Thanks for the kudos. I did stress the living fuck out of them in week 5-6 but I learned from my mistake so we will see.
Yeah this is my first indoor grow. Grow outdoors a long time ago. So nice to just walk downstairs insted is hiking 3 miles uphill to get to the plants. Plus I fucking live hydro!

haha it happens, i woke up one morning to my dro cola snapped back from weight gain during aggressive reflowering mode ;( lol it was startling to see such a beauty left hangin!!!
You think thats weight that aint weight in that piece of shit try moving 10000000 metric tons a month now thats weight. Just kidding umm 2.7 pounds