ok here's my situation. ...

Rather be?!...you ARE AN ADDICT DOPEHEAD!!!....Crying your tears of self-induced pain & destruction on a public forum...send me your address, I'll send you some Klennex tissues to cry in...CRY BABY!!!....Ohhhhhhhh POOR ME!!!...Alex

Ur a really fkd up dude u know that rite?
alex has a good point tho vega...........youre throwing your life away on that shit..........gonna end up dead
Fuck Alex.......n I'm well aware of what consequences drugs have on my life....I live w them everyday...trust me.....I don't know what answer is woody....ill do good somtimes and sometimes not.....I'm far from perfect man.....idk what else to say.
Who in the fuck has a right to judge anyone (other than Alex, he is an ass) in this thread? Everyone here is well aware of the dangers of playing with fire, No need for any goddamn lectures. ffs
Fuck Alex.......n I'm well aware of what consequences drugs have on my life....I live w them everyday...trust me.....I don't know what answer is woody....ill do good somtimes and sometimes not.....I'm far from perfect man.....idk what else to say.

that's it tho vega.......... you don't have a life youre a slave to the drug........that's not living vega......and you don't have to be perfect but you need to do better everyday all i see from you is backwards.......you've pissed away your family already next is your job and then your freedom.....you got it in your head that its not a big deal ...........but i was happy to see you made it back here and youre still alive.......
I am gay.....Alex
Possible because of you low intellect or your perpetual drug induced haze, but using "Gay" as you did in a derogatory context & as a sexual slur, just further reinforces the myriad of changes you need to make in the Trainwreck of a life, that epitomizes your mere existence...Alex
Who in the fuck has a right to judge anyone (other than Alex, he is an ass) in this thread? Everyone here is well aware of the dangers of playing with fire, No need for any goddamn lectures. ffs
You are blinded by your own prejudices, You chose to ignore Mr.V judging me as "Gay", yet chastise myself for judging "V" as a drug addict, which he freely admits he is, obviously you are selectively indignant...Alex
that's it tho vega.......... you don't have a life youre a slave to the drug........that's not living vega......and you don't have to be perfect but you need to do better everyday all i see from you is backwards.......you've pissed away your family already next is your job and then your freedom.....you got it in your head that its not a big deal ...........but i was happy to see you made it back here and youre still alive.......
I do not at all have it in my head that "its not a big deal"....she was the first person to give a fuck abt me in like twenty years...I don't just mean girls I mean anybody...and that was the first "home" I've ever had....n its not as simple as I got hi n that's why we split....I mean she's a nutcase bro...I've had to chase her and tackle her cause she was runnin to lock herself in the bathroom w a bottle of seizure meds claimin suicide....I've seen her put her face thru our bathroom mirror out of madness....we weren't together 30days n she sent me a pic of 6 razor cuts on her forearm she did to herself becuase we were fighting.....so.....I mean WTF....she may not get hi but she may need to too....it was a bad situation that I think dope or no dope woulda been a battle either way...I was her third husband in 10years.....so lets not b so quick to throw all the blame on vega.....I tried to b normal for her...real hard....I'm in a real bad spot in my life rite now woody.....n I can't even see the light yet....idk what's gonna hppn....w anything...
Possible because of you low intellect or your perpetual drug induced haze, but using "Gay" as you did in a derogatory context & as a sexual slur, just further reinforces the myriad of changes you need to make in the Trainwreck of a life, that epitomizes your mere existence...Alex
Why should I have sd faggot instead?
Fuck Alex.......n I'm well aware of what consequences drugs have on my life....I live w them everyday...trust me.....I don't know what answer is woody....ill do good somtimes and sometimes not.....I'm far from perfect man.....idk what else to say.
Perfect example of a apologist drug addict as examplified by vega's quote in reference to his drug addiction..."I don't know what the answer is"....HOW ABOUT QUIT!!!...I wonder exactly as to the depth that vega's head is buried in the sand...Alex