Ok, I have questions about Tinxture, Tea and other non oil based concoctions.

Ok, I am not any kind of science anything, so if you comeback with a sciendific answer, dumb it down a little for me please~! As I understand it THC, and the other active canabanoids are oil based and therefore oil soluble. I have always understood that to mean that you could not extract them into water or alchaol? This is why we cook down in water and butter, and cook off water when we make cannibutter, right? So how do teas, and tinxtures even work? BTW, I am hung up on this not only from the lack of education, but I have never gotten a buzz from either, which only backs up my suspision, but others seem to.... so, any help would be appreacited


Well-Known Member
THC is soluable in fats and alcohol, it is NOT soluable in water
butter works by the thc binding to the fat in the butter, the water is only their to prevent the butter from burning
tea does not work by making weed water, i imagine it works by cooking weed with milk, and the thc binds on to the fat in the milk, and then u add into tea
other tinticures n shit contain alcohol which the thc binds to

once the thc is binded to a fat molecule, it can be digested, where as if u simply eat a bud the body cannot digest the thc


Active Member
leroy, have you tried looking at hobbes' thread "alcohol tincture"? it has literally every single thing you would ever need to know right there... it has proven to be the the most helpful thing i've read here so far... just sayin...


Active Member
Ok, I am not any kind of science anything, so if you comeback with a sciendific answer, dumb it down a little for me please~! As I understand it THC, and the other active canabanoids are oil based and therefore oil soluble. I have always understood that to mean that you could not extract them into water or alchaol? This is why we cook down in water and butter, and cook off water when we make cannibutter, right? So how do teas, and tinxtures even work? BTW, I am hung up on this not only from the lack of education, but I have never gotten a buzz from either, which only backs up my suspision, but others seem to.... so, any help would be appreacited
however, the thc is alcohol soluble as is it also lipid (butter, oil, fat) soluble... i suspect that the reason you do not get a buzz is from either imperfect technique or not allowing the time it takes to fully extract the thc from the ganja... also, it is much better not to evaporate the water when making cannibutter, but once it has been cooked, place it in the refrigerator and then peel the butter off the water and discard the water... the water will just extract the chlorophyll not the thc... as i said above, check out hobbes' alcohol tincture thread, it has everything from honey oil to alcohol tink to glycerine and more... it is amazing... good luck...
thank u all, I will look at the hobbies thread. One question here tho.... if THC is alcohol and fat soluble, but bonds to fatty cells in the oils, what does it bond to in the alcohol?