New Member
Ok. On the 23rd I bought a vaporizer from the site Vaporizer - Herbal Vaporizers. On the 24th I mailed them asking if they had a feature that enabled me to track my package, and an automated response came saying they were on holidays and would be back on the 29th. The 29th came, I sent several e-mails and no answer until the 1st, when I got the message that my package had been shipped and should arrive within 2 to 8 days. He doesn't answer my question about the tracking, so I send another e-mail the same day. Didn't get an answer until the 9th, a day after I sent an e-mail saying their customer support was a joke. He apologized and promised full tracking details on the same afternoon. It's the 13th today, and I am yet to get an answer. I have contacted the company that handles the payments to see if I can get my money back if the package never arrives, but they don't answer me either. What should I do? Is there anything I can do to begin with?