ok im freaking happy!


New Member
Got a ass load of money!

Now im looking for

Either hps with a mh conversion bulb


A cmh.

What would you go with.?

Need a 250w


Well-Known Member
just got bulb, ballast and hood for $262 shipped, on a 400 watter

click my balls to the wall link to see it in action


Well-Known Member
Why do you think they only make it up to 400w? There's definitely a market out there and if they made a 600w I think they would sell a shit load.
Because they are marketed for display lighting, not growing. The 600 watt platform is pretty much built around growing. I have my doubts we see a 600 anytime soon. There is not even a 'true' 600 watt MH yet as far as I know.


Well-Known Member
What he said... When growing is legal federally there would be a market and CMH would come in ALL sizes!!



Lol, I didn't see where he said it was CMH, I thought he was just saying what a deal he got, I was about to say..