OK.. Last Time.. Rockwool or Jiffy Peat Pellets?

Best For Sprouting Germed Seeds?

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Hey. Sorry I can't help more, but I prefer peat pellets for my soil because it feels like there is less of a transplanting process of the two mediums. They also work great for seedlings for me, which is the second reason I like them.
im gonna have to go ahead and say neither. The rockwool, when transplanted into soil, soaks up all the water from the soil and remains saturated long after its time to water the soil again. The peat pellets, well if you dont transplant as soon as you see roots, then the roots start to die and growth is stunted before you even start. This makes it hard to keep all the clones growing the same for sog. And if you forget to take off the netting on the jiffy pelets, better hope you remember soon.

I use 2 plastic shoe storage containers, one filled with water and an air stone in it. The cover is flipped over and holes drilled with a piece of a camping matt on top with slits cut in it that line up with the holes. Another plastic shoe box is put over it for a dome and it snaps right into the inverted cover. Clones get roots in 5 or 6 days and i dont need to rush to get them into soil since they sit in the bubbler. Then its on to party cups, then 2 ltr soda bottles.
sorry to make this post so long, but im high, bored, and high
the first time I cloned I used a coffee can and an airstone. It worked perfect. Then I tried rw, i did everything right I though but weigh the cubes. I lost like 30 clones:(. Now i got an eroa cloner I made but the only clone I got is pretty damn old. So I have to say that I am impressed with all this cloning. I have got my fingers crossed.
again, this isnt pertaining to clones.. Only sprouting germed seeds.

thx for all your input and votes..

keep voting!

sorry bout that. For seedling I use those little 6 pack things the nursery sells their flowers in, with soil. I only grow from seed for mothers now that cloning is so easy, so i dont have much experience in the feild. But from seed ive only lost one plant out of idk 60 or so.
EZ Cloner all the way! Lol. I use EZ Cloner with a couple drops of Hormex in the water and BAM! Less than a week ready for Hydroton.
7 from the last post actually. Lol. I hate seeing topics unfinished, I would have liked to known the census on peat pellets or rockwool myself. In 2010 everyone thought Bio Balls were going to be the end of Hydroton but I see everyone went back to Hydroton. Lol
I thought rockwool wasn't good for seeds.... And what was this about taking the net off the jiffy pellet??
I thought rockwool wasn't good for seeds.... And what was this about taking the net off the jiffy pellet??
I have used jiffy pellets for years, even before I knew anything about hydro and roots WILL grow through the netting BUT once the roots get the diameter of the holes it DOES slow and restrict growth until the roots are large enough to substantially tear through the netting. I dont care what anyone says, I have seen plants lose as much as 4-6 weeks because of the netting and in some cases maybe longer. Im not saying it always loses that many weeks but the netting most definitely slows root growth until torn or decomposed substantially. Not Jiffy brand but I have seen other brands completely bind the roots greatly stunting the growth and ive seen netting at the base of trees 15 years old that never decomposed! ALWAYS remove the netting gently upon transplant. You will cut at least two weeks sometimes more off veg by doing so. Ba-le-dat Bro!
I have used jiffy pellets for years, even before I knew anything about hydro and roots WILL grow through the netting BUT once the roots get the diameter of the holes it DOES slow and restrict growth until the roots are large enough to substantially tear through the netting. I dont care what anyone says, I have seen plants lose as much as 4-6 weeks because of the netting and in some cases maybe longer. Im not saying it always loses that many weeks but the netting most definitely slows root growth until torn or decomposed substantially. Not Jiffy brand but I have seen other brands completely bind the roots greatly stunting the growth and ive seen netting at the base of trees 15 years old that never decomposed! ALWAYS remove the netting gently upon transplant. You will cut at least two weeks sometimes more off veg by doing so. Ba-le-dat Bro!
Mine aren't proper jiffy pellets, they're cheap knock offs. I wasn't sure about the net but then when my seedling put out roots it came out through the netting so I assumed it wasn't a problem... Oh God they're autos too. Off I go to dig up my seedlings!
Mine aren't proper jiffy pellets, they're cheap knock offs. I wasn't sure about the net but then when my seedling put out roots it came out through the netting so I assumed it wasn't a problem... Oh God they're autos too. Off I go to dig up my seedlings!
If you've already planted them I wouldn't be digging them up! Just mark on the calander when you transplanted, wait until the plants start to take off, then give them that amount of time extra veg. If they take off quickly then dont worry about it. The netting on the cheap knock offs is very tough but I wouldn't dig them up, they are already stressed from the transplant.