Ok, My dumbest question yet!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I went to google first, and I couldnt find anything. We all know you can treat with some silver chemicals and get Female seeds. Is there anyway to masculinize a plant so that you know your going to get a male for breeding?

I know in a perfect world m/f seeds are suppose to be 50/50, so if you grow them you should get 1 male and 1 female, but I have also read in reality that does not always work and you can often get 2 females.

Any one know a way to make sure you get a son instead of a daughter?
Ok, I went to google first, and I couldnt find anything. We all know you can treat with some silver chemicals and get Female seeds. Is there anyway to masculinize a plant so that you know your going to get a male for breeding?

I know in a perfect world m/f seeds are suppose to be 50/50, so if you grow them you should get 1 male and 1 female, but I have also read in reality that does not always work and you can often get 2 females.

Any one know a way to make sure you get a son instead of a daughter?
Not dumb question. I just watched a video of the same subject. :D
