OK, now I'm pissed........ Again.

When you have a American hating president and a doj that telling you that American guns are killing Mexicans to find out he is the one selling them. Makes me feel lucky I don't have to learn chinese yet. Think I'll wright my senator and cuss him out again.
When you have a American hating president and a doj that telling you that American guns are killing Mexicans to find out he is the one selling them. Makes me feel lucky I don't have to learn chinese yet. Think I'll wright my senator and cuss him out again.

You sure English is your first language?
I work in a call center and we get asked where we are located all the time, people calling are usually a wonderul combination of patriotic and ignorant.

i've worked call centers for 10 years and speak excellent english. people ask if you are local not so much out of a sense of patriotism but more out of a false sense that someone "close by" can do a better job clicking a mouse than someone 4 states over.

that being said, i really am in utter shock that we are purposely staffing american call centers with people who do not speak english as a first language. a call center is one of the very few acceptions to the "anyone can do this" rule. during a phone call there is no body language, no reading lips, and no pointing at pictures. ALL there is is one's ability to communicate in english. entire accounts can rest on a rep's ability to be sincere and articulate, things that a cultural barrier absolutely prevent.

never mind all this touchy-feely "i hurt for the world" crap. to me it's not even about that. it's about the erosion of american customer service and corperations who have their priorities up their asses. why take care of the customer when we can get some foriegner to just read a script and "add revenue"?

i can understand the need for overseas call centers, especially for after hours service (staffing americans for a graveyard call center shift is very expensive for the tiny call volume they get at that hour), but to deliberately staff american call centers with people who need dialect coaches is NOT going to improve the product, and after people ditch the product for shitty service, it's not going to help the company's bottom line, either. its a big farce.
When I was in the French Foreign Legion the natives would shout out the most ignorant things at us while we marched through their towns on parades or etc. Its a elite military compiled of ONLY foreigner's who go to war FOR FRANCE. Its seperate from the French Army, but gets paid by the French Army. They would literally shout things like "go home and get a job" "aliens" anything towards get out of our country and find work....all the while us foreigners would go and wage the ugliest of battles known to man.

I think if humans could for just one minute, take down the walls, all around the globe, this world would be a much more productive, and peaceful place. When your always guarding boarders, there is always going to be bloodshed. But when there are no boarders, and people are free to roam the earth as they please, THEN there is LIBERTY, and The pursuit of Happiness.