This is what the plants look like today... I mixed MG 24-8-16 water soluable fert in a 5 gallon bucket and have been watering them every day for 5 minutes at 8am on that mix. This combo gives the plants just a little water each day and it seems to give the lil plants the combo of nutes that they need... The plants exploded with growth over the last week. The skunky smell from 3 plants in so over powering
I am still running 4x 3200 lumen bulbs on a 24/0 cycle. Notice in the pictures, I have -1 plants. Well that plant is in the Flower room as I have tried but cant get the cloning thing to work (help would be greatly appreciated). .. Take a look and tell me what you think. Thanks MX
Also on a side note...any idea what kind of weed this might be? I just got some seeds and have no idea what strain... thanks ...