Ok Plants Are In Pots and The Lights Are On....Let The Grow Begin


Well-Known Member
Well I watered yesterday and the Cheese and Green Crack still wasnt ready so I am going to let them go for another week and reevaluate at that time. Everything else isnt even close. It looks like Im gonna be going ten weeks at least on most of these. Its like waiting for water to boil. Ill try to get some pics the next time I water. I was in a hurry yesterday.



Well-Known Member
Things are going pretty good. Last week, a couple of days after my last update I pulled a couple of Afgoo plants and then a couple days a go I decided to pull a couple more in an attempt to get the humidity down lower. It worked.

Im not completely infested with mildew, but I got spots. Most of it is contained to a few plants and most of it is on leaves but there are a few spots on buds so I had to either do something about the humidity or pull them for fear of that shit spreading. I could have pulled them all and still been OK but I would like to let them go just a little longer, especially the Kush. I got ten of them and they NEEDED another week at least, maybe 2.

Here are some pics of some of the plants I pulled. I forgot to take pics of the Afgoo and Ak 47 but i took pics of the Cheese and White widow.



White Widow

and a few group shots



Well-Known Member
I know this guys feeling...after all the hard work and trimming, you just want to chill. He'll be back...I hope! :)


Well-Known Member

Has anyone ever written a long and detailed post. You get almost all the way til the end then you get side-tracked. You go smoke a joint maybe take a phone call, then you come back and finish off the post and then you hit preview to make sure that it doesnt look like a five year old wrote it.
Then What happens? You discover that you have been logged out and have been sent to the sign in page and you lose EVERYTHING!!!!

Im so f'n pissed I could scream. Im gonna go smoke another joint and maybe try again later. Fuck


Well-Known Member
Sorry to anyone who was following along for abandoning this post but I ran into some problems(not plants,life) and wasnt able to get in here and finish it off.

I ended with 1287 grams or just under 3Lbs.

The quality ranged from about a 6 for the kush. It looked like nice bud and burned nice but not really any distinct smell or taste.

To a 9(I rarely give out 10s haha) for the Blue Cheese. If you havent tried this strain, get some. Good Shit!

Everything else fell in at 7s and 8s.

Here are a few pics

A group shot in various stages of drying and curing.

Im now on my second grow in this room and things are goin great so far.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yo ruv where you been? Thats some nice bud-porn there, Whats on for your next project Mate?

What up Shrigpiece. Man, life caught up with me for a minute. But Im back on track for now.

Im actually a couple months into my next project. I lowered the plant count to 20 5gal + 4 6" square pots and things are much more manageable. Things are coming along VERY nice. LOADED with trichromes at 4weeks in.


Well-Known Member
This is the best pic Ive got at the moment. looks like somebody sprinkled it with sugar.


Well-Known Member
Sweet! Im glad your back on track thats a good pic there, whats the strain? My grow op improved since we last chatted no more fatalities! 4 weeks flower so far all plants fimed.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear shrigpiece. We were all in mourning over your loss. haha Ill definitely pop in and check out your new grow.

I have 10 UK cheese, 6 snowcap and 4 purple kush in 3 gallon pots. and 2 cheese and 2 snowcap in 6" pots. The picture is of a purple kush bud.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear shrigpiece. We were all in mourning over your loss. haha Ill definitely pop in and check out your new grow.

I have 10 UK cheese, 6 snowcap and 4 purple kush in 3 gallon pots. and 2 cheese and 2 snowcap in 6" pots. The picture is of a purple kush bud.
sorry dude havn't posted a thread yet, im planning on doing a 2 weeks prior to harvest thread in about 4 weeks or so. i'll drop you a invite. That cheese is a awsome smelly girl. I love those kush strains man gonna do some more of those next time, i only had one survivor but shes looking good considering the shit it went through!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Oh Ok. Well yeah, for sure let me know when you do.
Yeah man, Im really diggin that cheese. The Blue Cheese I grew last time is the shit. I mean I know that there is a certain bias toward your own bud. But Ive tasted alot of cheese going around Sac and honestly my stuf blows away anything Ive come across so far.

I did the Bubba Kush last time but it didnt turn out great. So far its the snowcap that is the star of this show. BIG DENSE BUDS.