u guys are dumm asses my mom had to raise me and my sister by her dam self because my dad owed 50 grand in back child support so fuk u if u cant man up and take of you kids, u made them and you knoew the risk when you had sex...if u didnt wrap it up thats your problem,,,dont fuck up the kids life now...raise your kids right or your fukcing us all over....child support and custody battles take ahuge toll on kids trust me i know. and if you are paying child support on time every month then make sure you pay through the courts cuz if ur baby moma reallyy is a bitch and u didt pay through the courts and get reciets then she can make you pay twice.!! but pay that shit dont be a fuking bum.
i luv how my thread turned into a child support help line...lol iz all good something i kno a little bit about![]()
then y r u talking about your being extorted by child support..espically if u seen how females got to struggle to raise kids when the men only have to pay 400$ a month as if kids are a car payment or sum shyt,
whats up nickledyme, just got my last 7 plants in the ground last nite for the yearthats a total of 54 for the year, im scared they might not finishbefore the cold gets here, hopefully i can pull 4oz for the plot, what do you think?
nah honeslty i agree with u too i always herd both sides of it from my pops n my mom n its all fuked up the guys who dont pay there child support fuk it up for the ones who do bust there ass but women should get more help then men if u ask me...did u kno if you are lead to beleive the child is your up to certian point after its born and never get a DNA test even if u figure out the child isnt yours and prove it with DNA you still have to pay support for assumeing it was....but i cant stand deat beats who cant figure out a way to pay there child support. that just goes to show you how much its fuked up...if u want less government interference like that in your life....
VOTE RON PAUL 08' ...lol seriously check him out
and he want to make weed "legal" in that you would have to get it from a doctor alng with many other drugs.