ok so i started my first tent need help?


ok so i have a couple questions if someone could help out?I just got a 2 rm tent and was wondering what is (ppm) do i need to wory about this if im using soil?how long should i veg?and one last question most important one at that? what is perfect temp for veg rm...
Parts per million (PPM) is a way of expressing percent (%) in small amounts. In hydroponics or soil, it is used to express the quantity of one amount of material dissolved into another (salts into a volume of water). Most plants do well between 1000 and 2000 PPM. It's also used for Co2 rating, regular atmosphere is around 300 PPM but with Co2 you want a range around 1200 - 1500. Depending on if your using clones or from seeds? that will determine the veg period. like us, these plants like the same temps we like around 75 degrees, try to keep temp changes within 10 degrees so you don't shock your plants... good luck
Don't take this the wrong way, but if you plan on growing a great crop I suggest picking up a few books on growing, it will definitely answer a lot of your questions. I suggest one of the Grow Bible books by Greg Green, it helped me out a lot when i first started growing.