ok so im gunna start growing that devils lettice!!! i have some ?s


howdy yall! Im gunna start growing but never grown before i have been reading on here alot and tryin to learn as much as possible. I do have gardening expeiriance just not with the devils lettice(marijuana)lol. so i got a couple of ?s and any thing yall can suggest that would be great! basiclly im trying to do this in the most simplest way i will be growing 2 plants in dirt for my first time then prolly switching to aeroponics

1. soil- what exact soil do yall use? ive read on here people getting it from home depot but we do not have stores like that where i live walmart is the only place lol so anything from walmart? exact brands?

2A fertilizer or nutrients- do i have to fertlize or add nutrients if i just have good soil? that would be great if i didnt have to use it as i know nothing bout fertilizer or adding nutrients to plants

2B. Fertlizer- ok so if i do have to use nutrients/fertlizer i would love to know an easy to use simplest brand a name would be great that way i can just go buy it i need one for soil and then one to use for a hydroponics/aeroponics? but i will be using dirt my first time

3. Lights- i was gunna use a metal halide light this one to be exact( Mini Sun 250 MH (22,000 lumens)) here is the website-http://www.littlegreenhouse.com/accessory/lights3.shtml so is that all the lighting i need for 2 plants? or do i need another one or more or a different kind?

4. water- i watched a video bout growing marijuana and it said tap water is fine as long as you let it sit out for 24 hours is this correct?

5. lighting- ok so i know its bout 3 days to germinate then you can place it in dirt now heres some ?s bout lighting once its in dirt the light needs to be on 18 hours a day or 24 hours a day ive seen both on this forum so which one? and how far does my light need to be from my plants at all times?

growth cycles-

3 days germinating

growth cycle 2 to 3 weeks 18-24 hours of light

you can force the plants to flower simply by switching light 12 hours on 12 hours off

flowering cycle can take 8 to 12 weeks

is this correct?

thats all for dirt now for the aero ponics

After my first growth of 2 plants i want to build this diy project i found on here-https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/204758-diy-aeroponics-made-easy-40-a.html

now i have a couple of ?s bout this system when i read bout people asked ?s that never got answer and im wondering the same things so maybe yall can help

1.water- can u do the trick where i can just use tap water and let it sit out for 24 hours and it be ok ?

2. how often do i change out the water in this system and put fresh water in?

3. what should my water schedule look like? 15 min on 15 min off?

4. how often will i have to add water to a thing like this?

5lighting- can i use the same light as i meantioned above?

6. nutrients/fertilizer- so i know you have to use nutrients and fertilizer when doin hydroponics and aeroponics so which fertilizer should i use?

7. is the growth cycle and lighting and everything else gunna be the same like using dirt or is it totally different?

thx for reading yall and thx for your time!


Well-Known Member
For soil, STAY AWAY FROM MIRACLE GROW. I have used it and I don't like BUT I have seen people pull great things from it.
AS for light schedules, I give them 24/0 until they sprout and then I switch to 18/6


Well-Known Member
wallmart soil? don't know for sure I'll look tonight. I like a no nute soil to start with. what ever you get mix in 1/3 perlite. If you get mg perlite be careful there adding nutes to it. So far no ill effects for me.
ez to use nutes, alaska fish fert will work but it lacking a little. I just started adding light nutes to mine. they did fine for the first month with just the perlite. lighting. mh for veg hps for flower. water. some tap water works. but most all need the ph adjusted. so get a ph tester and appm tester to check your water. oh ya light schedule I use 24hr light for veg and 12/12 for flower.


lol@ the devils lwttuce. get you some fox farm soil, and some good nutes..... fuck m/g

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
if you're gonna do soil with no nutes why not go soiless such as
coco.? You get better drainage and more aeration.... Not to mention
even better control..


Well-Known Member
if this is your first grow and you want to keep it cheep and easy do hempy buckets get a plastic mop bucket($2) and a bag of perlite($4) from walmart .put a small hole 2 inches from the bottom of the bucket fill it with perlite and put your plant in it .its easier and better then soil grow trust me i've done both.here is a link with good info and a few pics of my grow to show you it works.http://www.greenpassion.org/showthread.php?t=3010.this really is better.to start your seeds walmart hase a dome that comes with 72 peat pucks for ($10).
for lights mh is good for veg but you want an hps for flower ,but you can do both with an hps ..keep your light as close to the plant as it can be with out burning them.use your hand on top of the plant to see how hot it is.anything else just ask



Well-Known Member
ok..for your light the Mini Sun 400 HPS (50,000 lumens) is only a few $ more and is a lot better light(EDIT SEE MY NEXT POST I FOUND A BETTER DEAL). the miracle grow perlite from walmart is fine it has a very small amount of nutes in it .(its only .1% total) so it has no effect thats what i use . your going to want to put an oscillating fan on them to make them stronger(take the dome lid off ) start the fan on low about a week after the seed sprouts.


man that was some fast replies guys! ok so far i got all my light ?s answered so thx i will just get both lights mh and a hps and just switch them out when needed!

so for soil i got some good soil ideas and will mix perlite with it! why do i need perlite?

so nutrients all i got was the alaskin fish nutes anything else? and im not a total cheap ass i will spend money just some of these damn systems yall got on here are way out of my league haha so lets see if i can get my other ?s answered!

oh ya so about smell lol i know this shit can start gettin rank in a good way what do i do i found some things on this website what do yall think? http://discount-hydro.com/dept.php?navid=23 which one should i get nothing over 200 bucks lol

how much am i looking to get out of my 2 plant crop? using soil and such

once again thx yall! us cowboys love our devils lettice! and your helping this cowboy one step closer to getting baked out of his mf mind and go ride horses and feel like flying if uve never tryed it go get really high and ride a horse in the dark trust me scary but fun as fuck cause you can see shit! lol! and for all those people that says weed makes you stupid i got really high and read about the cherokee and hopi indian religion and beliefs in 4 hours like to see u try sober cocksucker! lol

Cowboy out!


Well-Known Member
hey bud, perlite is added to soil to help increase drainage and aeration in the soil.... definitely beneficial to you and your plant.

from two plants under a 400w mh/hps... you should be looking at, at least 2 ounces if you do everything correctly.

try pruning your plants, it will greatly increase your yield.
scope the forums out, there are many different pruning technices (FIM, Topping, LST) to name a few.


Well-Known Member
what light did you get? the light is going to be a big factor in your yield.if you have not started yet i swear the 100% perlite in a hempy bucket is better than a soil grow.you can get a light that has a switch that will do mh or hps bulbs thats how my light is.for air smell you have a while before it will be a problem but look on ebay for a can filter its activated carbon thats the best way i've seen.


alright partner well looks like i will be using perlite then! 2 ounces bitchin! basicly i wanna clone a female plant and just have 2 plants growing just in different stages that way i always will have some and wont have a waiting period i was thinkin bout gettin a pc grow box for the clone so it can chill while the other is finishing up then once other is finished then switch and do they whole process over again lol

should i just get 1 hps bulb that way i dont have to get 2 and spend more money? or should i have both?


Well-Known Member
on the light if you compare the lumen out put of a 400w and a 600w the choice is clear 600w is the best buy for the money


i havent actually started growing im checkin everything out first makin sure i have everything i needed and that all my ?s and thoughts are correct i like to do things right the first time! ya i will deff check out the perlite thing dont you worry! im keeping my mind very open! and im basicly gunna have this shit in my attic and build like a huge wooded box and wanted to just put one of these air things just in my attic for smell what do yall think? http://discount-hydro.com/dept.php?navid=23 i kinda have to be stealth i dont want to get caught thats why im just doin 2 plants instead of 12 lol hopefully 2 plants isnt as big of a deal maybe just a ticket but i still gotta check that shit out lol


Well-Known Member
if your looking at the filters keep in mind you still need a blower to hook them to.i made my filter it has a duct booster fan on it and the whole thing only cost like $100 here is a pic of it



oh so i couldnt buy what is shown in that link and it wouldnt get rid of smell? i guess i could do both but was tryin to be lazy and have it just in the attic haha