ok...so theres this scetchy chick outside...


Well-Known Member
so theres this scetchy chick outside with a t shirt and shorts on (it's about 20 degrees here)... she pretty fat and african american, i went out for a smoke and she was just standing there outside my balcony (i'm on the 3rd floor, she was on the ground)... i nodded at her just to kinda say hi just cause i'm nice and she starts telling me how her cousin lives on the bottom floor...but she can't get in because he's with his girlfriend... so i just sort of stand there smoking my sig slowly, thinking weather or not to let her in the building... i thought to myself...she could be trying to rob some people and if i let her in she'll have free rain to let anyone els in and rob anyone who's door is unlocked... but then i think... if it was a hot white chick i would let her in in a second... i'm not trying to sound racist or anything but i've seen some people do some scetchy shit and it just so happends that most of the people doing similar things were black...

so theres my delema... so i decide to let her in, since i still try to think that not all people are bad (even though in recent times i only see bad people), so i let her in and as she comes in i start walking up to my apt thinking she would go knock on her cousins door... she starts to follow me up the stairs... she kinda stopped on the 2nd floor and looked up at me, i say "so aren't you going to see your cousin?" she says "was that your cat on the balcony with you?" i say yes and she goes "can i see it"?... i think for a second and say "well i don't normally invite strangers into my home"... a moment of silence passes and she says "oh...i see", so i'm like thinking in my head again... if this was a hot chick or i was in a "less getto" area i would say yes without even hesitating... so i said allright i guess... and so she comes in my home and pets my cat for a second (meanwhile i had just smoked a bowl so it smelled like weed), and she just kind of stands there in my living room for like 10-15 minutes...didn't try to call her "cousin" or anything... and then after a long awkward silence she says "i'll be right back" and leaves, i'd assume to go knock on her cousins door...

and so hear i am now, i'm thinking she isn't coming back... but if she were to... would i let her just sit here...all night even? at what point do i say enough? and what would i say? how do i know she's not getting her cousin to rob me?...i locked the door...but still...
i could just be over thinking it all but it's just a weird situation, i try to be a good person and help people when i can... and she shoudln't be out there all by herself cause this isn't a nice area...

well anyway... i figured i would ask you guys what you think... i hope this didn't make me sound like a bad dude...

but what would you have done?
It's a shame in todays society that you can't show compassion to some standing in 20 degree weather.....without worrying about being robbed....or worse, raped by a fatty in a tube top...LOL
i agree it is a shame... but still i'v seen this exact scam used before... i'v seen it in my own building at another apt i had... ultimatly i did let her in but still...if an apt gets robbed tonight because of it, it would be my fault...
so theres this scetchy chick outside with a t shirt and shorts on (it's about 20 degrees here)... she pretty fat and african american, i went out for a smoke and she was just standing there outside my balcony (i'm on the 3rd floor, she was on the ground)... i nodded at her just to kinda say hi just cause i'm nice and she starts telling me how her cousin lives on the bottom floor...but she can't get in because he's with his girlfriend... so i just sort of stand there smoking my sig slowly, thinking weather or not to let her in the building... i thought to myself...she could be trying to rob some people and if i let her in she'll have free rain to let anyone els in and rob anyone who's door is unlocked... but then i think... if it was a hot white chick i would let her in in a second... i'm not trying to sound racist or anything but i've seen some people do some scetchy shit and it just so happends that most of the people doing similar things were black...

so theres my delema... so i decide to let her in, since i still try to think that not all people are bad (even though in recent times i only see bad people), so i let her in and as she comes in i start walking up to my apt thinking she would go knock on her cousins door... she starts to follow me up the stairs... she kinda stopped on the 2nd floor and looked up at me, i say "so aren't you going to see your cousin?" she says "was that your cat on the balcony with you?" i say yes and she goes "can i see it"?... i think for a second and say "well i don't normally invite strangers into my home"... a moment of silence passes and she says "oh...i see", so i'm like thinking in my head again... if this was a hot chick or i was in a "less getto" area i would say yes without even hesitating... so i said allright i guess... and so she comes in my home and pets my cat for a second (meanwhile i had just smoked a bowl so it smelled like weed), and she just kind of stands there in my living room for like 10-15 minutes...didn't try to call her "cousin" or anything... and then after a long awkward silence she says "i'll be right back" and leaves, i'd assume to go knock on her cousins door...

and so hear i am now, i'm thinking she isn't coming back... but if she were to... would i let her just sit here...all night even? at what point do i say enough? and what would i say? how do i know she's not getting her cousin to rob me?...i locked the door...but still...
i could just be over thinking it all but it's just a weird situation, i try to be a good person and help people when i can... and she shoudln't be out there all by herself cause this isn't a nice area...

well anyway... i figured i would ask you guys what you think... i hope this didn't make me sound like a bad dude...

but what would you have done?

Dude no.

You have to have a better judgment of people, the way the dress, look, how they use their eyes. Be aware always, especially with a situation like this.

If I were you I would have gotten a better stance on her by chatting for a few, not immediately letting someone into my home. If she did not adhere to my requirements I would have stated that I was going to bed after my cig. Hope nothing comes out of it man. Its a real shame to have bad shit happen from a noble and friendly gesture.
bad dude...... nope where I live I wouldnt of let her in for shit. nownotto racist but a hot white chick maybe but the first thought would have been whats in it for me . and for letting her come in the in the house after I smoked fuck that and exspecaily if I was growing, soon as her foot would of crossed my door way the 40 cal would have been in her face. now I'm not trying to be mean but I have had my house broken into 3 times twice when I wasnt home and once when I was, wich was the last time . and need less to say things didnt get pretty. now I didnt shoot anyone but I can tell you a 40 cal upside the head leaves a nice lump ,amd a good amount of blood. any ways if you felt it was the right thing to do then good for you . me I'm to damn noid so I shoot first and ask questions later.
lol i mean believe me i did square her up... she looked like a poor as hell youg lady from the getto... her shorts and t shirt were bolth like10 years old and stained all over... just a poor as hell fat chick... but she just seemed so inocent and sad that her cousin wasn't letting her in... and it is cold as fuck outside...i just have trouble saying no to people in a bad spot...
bad dude...... nope where I live I wouldnt of let her in for shit. nownotto racist but a hot white chick maybe but the first thought would have been whats in it for me . and for letting her come in the in the house after I smoked fuck that and exspecaily if I was growing, soon as her foot would of crossed my door way the 40 cal would have been in her face. now I'm not trying to be mean but I have had my house broken into 3 times twice when I wasnt home and once when I was, wich was the last time . and need less to say things didnt get pretty. now I didnt shoot anyone but I can tell you a 40 cal upside the head leaves a nice lump ,amd a good amount of blood. any ways if you felt it was the right thing to do then good for you . me I'm to damn noid so I shoot first and ask questions later.

see i just don't want to be a racist hippocrit... because i would let a hot white chick in anyday with out hardly any thought... lol and i'd prolly hit it too lol...
well considering the life i have lived, the people i met and the things i have seen i would have said no to her the first time and then went in my apt and stayed there.
the other night i was at a city park late at night with my girlfriend when an obviously homeless black man came up to us and started talking to us. most people would have felt very uncomfortable and thought that he was going to rob us. i guess i knew by reading his body language and such i knew he was innocent. i was right because started to sing romantic songs for me and my girlfriend for about 30 minutes. i gave him tow Newports and $2. it was a great night lol
so i guess the morale of the story is you have to understand how someone acts and get an idea of them to trust them and you have to rely on the situation
in your situation i would have been a little more cautious
see i just don't want to be a racist hippocrit... because i would let a hot white chick in anyday with out hardly any thought... lol and i'd prolly hit it too lol...

OK, I drove a big-rig for 11 years all over the US. I've seen this before. Usually, the "scam" is to try and get you to feel sorry for her and help her out. She was, I believe, selling pussy. She was just shy and wanted you to make a suggestion. Many pro girls do this version of the pan-handle because most guys are suckers to help out a lady. Also, the rough looker would not draw attention from the cops.

Every year I drove a truck, I saw some version of this scam every few months. I learned that some of the shaggiest girls were the most successful whores because the game works.

Bet you see her next week, locked out, waiting for her cousin, again.
lol you know whats funny i thought about that exact thing...lol if i see her again i don't even know what i would say...
i used to see this couple at the mall
apparently they had just came down from maryland and no where to go and nothing to eat
so they wanted me to buy them lunch or give them money for lunch. well little did they know that they had told me the same story about 5 times but they didnt remember me i guess because i used to see people give them money or buy food a lot
lol hell no...i would never even concider doing this chick... at first it was questionable whether or not she was even female at first... and i only mess around with hot chicks...i'm shallow like that...
lol hell no...i would never even concider doing this chick... at first it was questionable whether or not she was even female at first... and i only mess around with hot chicks...i'm shallow like that...

For several years I knew a black chubby, in frompy house dresses. Her lips could polish chrome. And Crystals booty could shake the boog-a-loo. I would take her any day over a thin, self absorbed, high maintenance model.
yeah my girlfriend right now
she is chubby really
just "thick" she has nice big legs and a fat ass and big tits
but she isnt fat she dont have a gut
shes just "thick" like the black guys say lol
and i can care less about her body i love her and i think she is sexy as fuck and she lets me play with her titties
lol well you are better men than me... i could never be with an unatractive person... and when i say this chick is fat i mean 5'7" 300-350 lbs...