ok this is a ? about cloning/cuttings


I know there has probably been a thousand questions on cloning already but i have searched this site, google and other sites and I can't seem to find a good pic or video yet to help me. ok I got the whole cloning part down i understand what to do. but my question it when it comes to doing the actual cutting. I see and understand how to do the cutting when its at its 4th to 6th set of alt. leaves from the top also to get more colas. I'm trying to figure out how to do a cutting from the side branches though. i understand its supposed to be at the node and i know what a node is but if anyone could point me to a exact picture of this cutting of the side at the node. I'm wanting to try it on one of my bigger plants with lots of side branches but dont feel like screwin it up since its my only and first female.


Well-Known Member
I don't have pictures at the moment, but all you do is cut the lowest branch off and work your way up. Just cut the side branch right at the main stem, one clean slice. Then set the branch in water until you have all your cuts. You can take a long side branch that has branches on it and clone those as well.


Well-Known Member
just go to cloning marijuana vidios, and there are many cloning vidios that will show you the exact spot to cut. Good luck its easyer than you think.


so i guess ill just have to try it out and find out what works and what doesn't. pretty much you just cut off the branch at the main stem. Then root it. yeah I'm pretty sure once i get it figured out that it'll be easier than i thought. i just didn't know if anybody knew of any vids, pics, links that showed exactly how to do the cuttings. I'm just a really visual leaner.


Well-Known Member
You'll be fine. I've done huge ones, tiny ones from the top or the bottom. People get way too anal with their cloning techniques. Sterilized this, razor blade that. The only thing I ever used were sharp scissors(same ones I manicure with). Cut at a 45 and choke up with the scirrors(ie: not the tip of the scissors) so the cut is clean and it does fray up. Cut 2, 3, or 4 leaves flush with your cutting's stem, cloning solution, powder, or nothing. Put it in moist soil, wetted rockwool, cloner, whatever. If you're killing alot, check your water ph. Thats the only issue I ever had. Very basic(high ph) water turned out to be a problem.