OK to make 'concentrated' nute mix in 1L water, then dilute to target levels?


For convenience and speed, I'd like to make a concentrated nute mix in 1L and then divide it out (250ml each) into four 1-gallon jars (15L total). Would concentrating it like this result in an avoidworthy lockout situation? What about mixing in a 1-gal instead of a 1L?
I don’t like any nute mixed water sitting more that six days, and I don’t like clean water standing more than 10 days. I feel like if your concentrate solution would be used quick you could. Me personally I don’t risk it.
Yes you can. I make 3 gallons of solution each pour on two 5 gal coco pots. Twice a day.

Once I get 3 gallons of RO. With 7.5ml of Cali-magic. I fill a half gallon pitcher. Currently its 12ml micro, 3ml grow, 15ml bloom. One drop ph up. Pour the pitcher in the jug. Bubbled for 11 hours. As mixed its 5.8. 630-640ppm.
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Yeah they don't last a week. but if I had to mix fresh nutes every watering time, between that and all the lst, the hand-pumping watering+feeding action and transplantin going on, this little project would take up wayy too much time..
I think it might also depend on what nutes you're running. For example there's a video about NFTG where they talk about this and demonstrated what happens when they're in (semi) concentrated form and you have them reacting. They actually advise constant stirring while mixing their nutes too.
Which, btw, I've bent those rules a good bit... I'm mixing for like 3 gals in a 1 gal that is almost full of RO to start with and I gently shake between every couple bottle which if you know their line can be a lot of bottles. ;-p
Seems like it could be risky. If I can't use a handy 1L graduated cup to make 4gal worth of nute solution (which would be 16x more concentrated than separate gal mixing), then I think I'll just get faster and better at squeezing out 2.25ml doses sequentially.
I'm curious, too. If you were to mix up salts into RO or distilled water, wouldn't that just be the same as buying any liquid nutrients?

Big brands are just selling you salts in liquid. Same ingredients you can buy for cheap.
If I'm understanding the question yes you can, I mix 40ml a+b into 20ltr then fine tune the ec with water.

For seedlings/clones I take a litre of nutrient out of the res and dilute it down more sometimes a week ten days old, ime there's no difference if the ph is still good or you correct it.