

Active Member
now that my head has stopped spinning on my shoulders, i would like to ask for some advice. is there ANYTHING that can be done to guerantee me females...? besides starting 200 plants and letting them all sex early then returning them to veg. if anybody has any good advice, I really appreciate if you share that with me.

My grow box is 31" high x 2feet deep x 2 feet wide. right now I am running 8 25W/100W CFL's. ventilation is something I am working on right now and I am only waiting to get paid so that I can finish that step. and on that, could someone suggest a method of venting with fans that is cheap.

I appreciate all the advice you wonderful people have given me up until now, and will continue to appreciate all that you can give me in the future

Lokee:joint: :hump:


the only way to guarentee females for your first grow is to get ahold of some clones of females... otherwise starting from seed there is always the chance of males and hermie's no matter what strain you grow....


Active Member
yea believe me. 2/3 of the stuff i grow is always male. it pisses me off but i get some nice ass fems though too. YEA!!


Active Member
how many plants should I start with a grow box that is 31" high x 2feet deep x 2 feet wide? right now I am running 8 25W/100W CFL's.


i'd say eight plants to start... that gives you roughly four females after sexing (i'd say switch to 12/12 a week after topping after the sixth internode) and depending on how many females you end up with, for the size of box i'd say choose the two strongest females and train them (think maybe ScrOG or lots of LSTing) and finish those two up...