Okay, how does this one look...?


You all know me as the guy who posted the picture yesterday with the plant w/ balls as big as well, baseballs. Well He is dead now. Sadly, my indoor grow area is probably contaminated.

Here's another one I have, outdoors, autoflower feminized seed, and definitely showing female threads. this is about 7 weeks from planting I'm guessing (the other was too, not 10 weeks like I originally thought) Not really showing any signs of flowering yet. What should be my next step? When will it start showing buds? I'm so desperate for a nice female plant... :leaf:

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Active Member
Glad to see u had back ups that are not so Bally, hope u didn't get to upset with the posts people just having fun. These guys look pretty nice if u want best results go clean out your grow room so there is no contamination and move those in there under a 12/12 light this will make fem plant try to pollinate as a last final attempt before the season ends and that's when the buds start coming, u will notice it because of all the bushy white hairs. But don't get anxiety the plant shouldn't be harvested until the trich becomes amber and Milky white, read up more on harvesting


I've got back up to the back up; a photo flower sour Blueberry out in the back. And I'm starting another Russian Rocket fuel. I've got until September for it to grow...

Highly unlikely I can decontaminate the grow area sufficiently. It's in the loft over the shed. dark, dirty and messy. What will happen if I just let these go as is?


Active Member
Well with the light I said nothing much different just not as easy to control the enviorment but all still applies with my last post just different grow area thus not much difference, besides natural light is always better.


Well-Known Member
Plant looks good, especially the nice thick stem. Don't forget to rotate you plant to keep it even. Good luck