Okay what is up with this...???


Well-Known Member
I have a plant that has such a strong smell that even just the seedlings have a smell. I have dried and cured this same strain a million times with hydro---this is my first time with soil.
I harvested the plant and hung it up to dry and it smelled awesome! AWESOME! So I tried a little and it was really good, some others thought so as well...so it wasn't just me...anyway hung it up to dry and when the stems, which I trim everything off the stem and trim it down, but I leave a good bit of stem to use to hang it..anyway when the large exposed stems are snappy I take it all down and cut the rest of the stem off and put it in jars...well my plants usually look like hell just sparse and sad, airy buds...just no good...but now with soil and good lights everything is super awesome. I actually have colas now! Anyway I put the weed in the jar and close it up...that night before bed I check on it....so about 5 hours later and my pot was like fresh wet and there was literally a puddle in the bottom of the jar...so I took it all out and laid it in a small cardboard box I use just for this purpose---anyway I wait til they feel pretty dry and put them back in the jar...same thing happens but not as bad...smaller puddle...wait for them to dry again and put them back in the jar...and they get all soggy again...---the issue is---Now that it is finally totally dry and what not it has no smell, no flavor...nothing...like I dried all the umph right out of it...is this possible? What is the deal? What would be a better drying method? Don't refrigerators dry things out...? Can you cure weed in the fridge? What would happen? Would it just mold...I don't know. Because while it has lost all smell and flavor it still gets me hella high.....Anyway help me out> I obviously don't know what i am doing...never had an issue but when a 4ft plant only yields 10g it is really easy to dry...lol. Now that I am better at growing I see that I have some flaws with my drying process....
how long did you dry for? I heard plenty of people say after they dry and start curing there is no smell so this is def normal, any smell and flavor should come out with the cure in the jars. The longer you cure, the better the smell.


Well-Known Member
I hang to dry for atleast 5 days. Jar and let sit in dark place for 12 hours. Open and check with a hygrometer to see where humidity is. Normaly around 65. Let breath for 15 min and close back up for 12. Do 12 hours till humidity is down to 55. Dump it all in a tray mix it up. Then put 1 oz per jar and open once every 24 hours for 15 min. Checking humidity. If they drop under 54 in the bathroom they go with the hot shower going bringing it back to 60%. and seal for 24 hours. For the first 9-14 days not alot of smell. But then it starts coming but after jar is opened for 5-10 min. After 2 weeks I mix up the jar one more time. And smell is kicking. And 1oz a jar. 24 hours if humidity is 56 I go to 24 hours without opening do this till sold or humidity drops to 50% end of cure. But that's just my way.