Okayy i just cut my bud


Well-Known Member
yeah. what re your plans for the males? y'd you keep the bastard around?no offense just asking.


Well-Known Member
no i'm so pissed about it though. im gonna dry the leaves and smoke them. the tch level on that fucker is crazy. it's like skunkish but idk the leaves are kinda thick and extremely resin-y i dunno that was my thought


Well-Known Member
Really? knew males packed thv but didnt think it was that much. Why not brew them and make browniessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


Well-Known Member
ooh that sounds good too... should i still smoke the other leaves? i have them a container. but not shut. lol yeah its alot its weird, just more towards the bottom though


Well-Known Member
oh yeah i just cut them today i was only going to keep them in for 2 or 3 days, then i was going to put them in jars, and let them out a couple minutes a day just to get the air. lol but you have to put them in baggies before the jars?
just make sure the stems snap before you throw them in the jars or you are going to be smoking chlorophyll....


Well-Known Member
i personally never smoked leafs. i always threw my cuttings in the coffee grinder and threw them into bags of mids to add weight. :x shh dont tell anyone. :) if i didnt make brownies or cannabutter.


Well-Known Member
well the baggies thing works for me...if you dry it to fast than it doesnt taste ass good and you get really dry buds...putting the buds in paper bags sorta slows down the drying process, while still allowing them to dry....but no you dont have to do the baggies thing....the important thing is that you let them dry fully before putting them in jars...if you do end up getting really dry buds you can always throw a piece of peeled carrot in the jar to give the buds some moisture


Well-Known Member
oh wow that works? jeez your good with knowing. okay cool, how long do you put them in baggies before putting them in jars? sorry for all the questions, i just want to know what i can do best for them..


Well-Known Member
aight so hang your buds for a couple days until they feel dry (remember at this point they just feel dry, they arent, if you were to throw them in a jar at this point, they would feel really moist again the next day once you opened the jar) so once the bud feels dry, then you throw them in big paper bags like you get from the grocery store and loosely roll up the top...turn the buds over everyday so that you are drying both sides...it usually takes a couple days of doing this before the stems start to snap, then they are ready for jars