Oklahoma Growers Thread!

I'm honestly surprised you didn't toss a propane fed backup generator on that property of yours.
Well.... it's a gamble. A Generac big enough to power the house and the grow would be about $20,000. We normally don't see this kind of cold. They are calling it a "once in a lifetime" event. Otherwise, if the power goes out, we have it back within an hour or so at the most, and it may happen once or twice a year. .... other than that one ice storm of 2010. I just can't see the value in it myself. If we lose a grow, we'll just start over. The good news is that we haven't lost power, and there is no ice storms predicted, just a slow warm up over the next 72 hours to get above freezing. We're gonna be back in the 60's by the weekend. So, I think we'll be ok. It currently 13 degrees, and each day is going to get better, so I think we are on the up swing of this thing. Gonna be a muddy mess when It starts melting.
It's amazing how much condensation is in the grow room. It's 13 outside and 78 inside. Even with 8 inches of spray foam insulation, drywall, and metal sheeting on the outside, the floor around the edges of 2 outside walls are wet. Good for us right now as we are in veg, and the AirROS should clean up any mold that might try to form in the cracks and crevices.
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I'm enjoying this thread also!
I followed the legalization in Colorado. Remember when half of the dispensaries closed because they opened too many.
Here in Vegas where I dare not say what the weather is like other than to say I think I applied my weed and feed in time this year, the average facility is over 10,000 sq ft running millions of $ per facility. One 10,000 sq ft set up bought their own gas to electricity converters whatever they are called so they did not have to rely on power company if it went out. Water coolers and all the toys you can imagine. 1 facility if still open is 100,000 sq ft. I think a lot of those start ups have been purchased by Canadian companies. Didn't matter if the weed was not up to par for heavy smokers it was all about selling to the tourists and novice smokers and even if they harvested early or dried quickly it moved through the dispensaries.

It is interesting to watch how each state develops their set up.

Best of luck!
This post might be one of the most REAL posts on this board. Everything he says in this is so true. Being really good at something and being really good at being in business are two different things.

I’m not from OK but I do like @DoubleAtotheRON so I follow this thread
Thanks. I don’t have a grow operation but I will have one as soon as my state starts accepting applications. We have owned/operated a few business over the years and I’ve had lots of talented friends spend every penny they had to start their own and fail. We made most of the mistakes I listed with our first business and vowed to never make those mistakes again. Now 20 years and 2 successful business later we’re planning on following a very similar path as Aaron. I own the building and I’m going to be starting it out debt free. Granted spending 40k on lights wasn’t part of my original budget but we can afford it. Hopefully this is going to be the last venture before we retire.
What Is the Small Business Failure Rate? 20% of small businesses fail in their first year, 30% of small business fail in their second year, and 50% of small businesses fail after five years in business. Finally, 70% of small business owners fail in their 10th year in business.

That’s how hard it is.
Report from SW Oklahoma... no power loss so far. I had a pipe frozen somewhere in this brick house with concrete foundation... that's how fucking cold it got the other night. No hot water for 4 days.. I got the freeze ..um.. unfreezed, and got the water heater working. Waiting on it to heat up and take my first shower in 4 days.... yah gross. You know how hard it is to get a blow job when you haven't showered in a while? Anywho.. well house is still warm with the heat lamp, and some peeps just delivered a rick of wood for the fireplace. You couldn't pay me enough to go cut a rick of wood in this cold and deliver and stack it for $120.... but they got bills too, and you do what you gotta do. I cleared the driveway (about 1800 ft) with the tractor so we could get out. The end of the drive was about 4 ft deep. Drove the tractor 3.5 miles down to the truck stop to fill up with some diesel, and fill an extra tank for the ReadyHeater.. saw some old lady hand clearing her drive on the way back. I told her to go inside and i'd have in cleared in about 20 min with the front end loader. She offered to pay me, I declined of course. (That's how we Okies roll)... almost home and some dude is stuck in the ditch with his 2WD truck... pulled his ass out, made it home, and here I am. Stinky, smell like a mixture of a homeless person and diesel fuel. Roasted chicken is in the oven, and the fire is stoked... Im about to shower, eat, and chill... The house is back in order. The grow is good... Need to feed when I wake up..transplant day is Tue. Stay safe out there my Okie friends!
I wonder how long some of this stuff is going to sit around before it sees the retail market or gets processed. Will they store it properly?
These are all unknowns, but my guess is that alot of it is going to go bad due to them not being prepared for it. I got pounds sitting in CureTubes at 61% locked in at 65 degrees... it can sit for months like that (as long as i rotate it every now and then)... Im gonna sit on it till this crap clears the market, and Dispo's start calling looking for product. That's what happened last year anyways. We moved 27 lbs in about 7 business days at $2400 without a single bitch about price. Now, I can't get a sniff at $1600
These are all unknowns, but my guess is that alot of it is going to go bad due to them not being prepared for it. I got pounds sitting in CureTubes at 61% locked in at 65 degrees... it can sit for months like that (as long as i rotate it every now and then)... Im gonna sit on it till this crap clears the market, and Dispo's start calling looking for product. That's what happened last year anyways. We moved 27 lbs in about 7 business days at $2400 without a single bitch about price. Now, I can't get a sniff at $1600

My friend sent this to me from a CA swap meet today:

I wonder how long some of this stuff is going to sit around before it sees the retail market or gets processed. Will they store it properly?
probably not stored correctly TBH most growers in the market are prepped and primed for immediate sale and not for the scenario that their product is in a overly saturated market and may not sell immediately. then they don't have the foresight to either store properly or have it extracted to save value and hard work
probably not stored correctly TBH most growers in the market are prepped and primed for immediate sale and not for the scenario that their product is in a overly saturated market and may not sell immediately. then they don't have the foresight to either store properly or have it extracted to save value and hard work
Im pretty sure alot of the outdoor stuff went to processors cheap.. because they have no way of storing it, or curing it properly. Oklahoma literally has tons of outdoor weed sitting around. The best of their crops went cheap to the Dispensary, and that in turn has re-adjusted the thinking of the price structure for them. Now, if you have some of the best of the best indoor.. the market is still $1800-$2200. BUT!... Oklahoma is a poor State, and card holders are looking for a bargain. We really don't have "Top Shelf" shoppers. I dont know man... this market is just really fucked up right now.
Im pretty sure alot of the outdoor stuff went to processors cheap.. because they have no way of storing it, or curing it properly. Oklahoma literally has tons of outdoor weed sitting around. The best of their crops went cheap to the Dispensary, and that in turn has re-adjusted the thinking of the price structure for them. Now, if you have some of the best of the best indoor.. the market is still $1800-$2200. BUT!... Oklahoma is a poor State, and card holders are looking for a bargain. We really don't have "Top Shelf" shoppers. I dont know man... this market is just really fucked up right now.
ive seen some of the absolutely worst flower this year from the outdoor market and most of the growers wanted 2400+ for it. Just because you have a massive amount of inferior medicine doesn't make it worth that and its crazy how flooded and convoluted the market is. I'm surprised I'm not seeing flower being openly dealt like this here in OK TBH. most of it is all that lower/ Bad quality shit they couldn't convince anybody with half a brain to purchase and it became a processors wet dream turned nightmare, I've had so much just inferior quality product for the state as of late and i completely blame it on the market rn. It's sad because i completely understand these are businesses that are offering a quality of life enhancement are suffering big time and we dont need $16/g flower when we cant even get testing mandates right. its a right ole clusterfuck excuse my language
ive seen some of the absolutely worst flower this year from the outdoor market and most of the growers wanted 2400+ for it. Just because you have a massive amount of inferior medicine doesn't make it worth that and its crazy how flooded and convoluted the market is. I'm surprised I'm not seeing flower being openly dealt like this here in OK TBH. most of it is all that lower/ Bad quality shit they couldn't convince anybody with half a brain to purchase and it became a processors wet dream turned nightmare, I've had so much just inferior quality product for the state as of late and i completely blame it on the market rn. It's sad because i completely understand these are businesses that are offering a quality of life enhancement are suffering big time and we dont need $16/g flower when we cant even get testing mandates right. its a right ole clusterfuck excuse my language
You're right... the testing is all over the map. I see labs claiming 28-31% THC, and even our own labs stating 5-6% terps. I just don't believe it. Matter of fact, Im going to retest what I have at another lab just to see how close they are with the numbers.
The biggest problem with SQ788 was allowing out of State ownership at 25%, and not having a cap on the number of growers, processors, and Dispensaries. We could have done it on our own. Now we have 25% investors from CO, WA, CA, all coming in and setting up shop to do a smash and grab, crash the market, and then move on to the next State that's about to come online.