Oklahoma Growers Thread!

This one piece of equipment that I viewed while on the the "tour" of the lab detects pesticides. It reaches 17,000 degrees F. I was like "How the fuck do you get a temp equal to the Sun"?... They were like "Gasses and a million dollar piece of equipment".... ok then.
So if licensed patients consume on avg 1oz/month then there are 44oz/month/grower to satisfy market demand, and there is 159oz/month/dispenser to satisfy market demand. That doesnt account for licensed patients producing to satisfy their own demand

Some licensed growers are not producing, but I'm sure the ones that are producing are growing way more the 44oz/month.

If testing batch is 10lbs (is that still the test batch size?), then minimum target production is going to be 10lbs per cycle, but that will not produce enough revenue at current market. Likely, the minimum target per cycle will be 30lbs for a small commercial op (I imagine this is in the ballpark of your target). If a cycle is ready for delivery every 3mo, then that's 160oz/mo.

So, what does that say? I imagine 1oz/month is a reasonable WAG for avg consumption. Then, the stable market will support 75% fewer growers than the total number of grower licenses (that number assumes an avg of 160oz/mo/grower).

The only way to support that many growers (if they are all growing) is to pull additional consumption from outside of the licensed consumer population. I've heard the good herb on the street in the surrounding prohibition states is that OK stuff.

I know you do quality @DoubleAtotheRON . I really hope it works out for you. I really wish I could do commercial. It's been a dream since a long time ago, but I guess I'll stick with my day job.
I read Australia imports hundreds of tons from USA per year.
Scale lab got caught up with fake passing tests. Pesticides in the extract. The best part about legal markets for drugs is public safety. So much of the health problems of drug abuse in America could be reduced by legalizing all drugs.
I got an email about that yesterday. Scale Labs in OKC got caught passing labs that should have failed for microbes, pesticides, etc. Good on them for staying on top of it tho for the safety of our patients.
I've been chasing down some changes in the laws. This change, I believe from last Nov., really looks like you can separate your kief.

It says plain as day you can sell your kief in separate batches. How do you sell it separately if you don't separate it.

Summary: Subsection (s)(2): Adds new language allowing grower and processors to collect kief and requires kief collected from multiple harvest batches to be homogenized as a new batch not exceeding fifteen (15) pounds and tested under OAC 310:681-8-1(I)

Full regs:

“Kief" means the resinous trichomes or marijuana that have been separated from the marijuana plan

(2) Kief. Growers and processors may collect kief from multiple harvest batches. The kief must be homogenized into a new batch not exceed fifteen (15) pounds. Kief collected by a grower is subject to the same testing requirements of a harvest batch under OAC 310:681- 8-1(i).

This says "growers and processors".

With a 60 foot by 60 garden, fenced with all security in place, too, am looking (dreaming actually) to make a buck. I had leased it out to some growers for two years.

Scale lab got caught up with fake passing tests. Pesticides in the extract. The best part about legal markets for drugs is public safety. So much of the health problems of drug abuse in America could be reduced by legalizing all drugs.

That doesn't work. They decriminalized possession of all drugs here in Oregon. All it did was cause an explosion of meth, heroin, and fentanyl use. All the cops can do is give someone a ticket for shooting up in public. They don't even bother as it's a waste of time. Legalizing cannabis yes. Legalizing hard drugs no. It may have worked in a couple other countries but it will never work in America. Hard drugs are too cheap and easy to get. The easier you make it the more people use them. Decriminalizing has only increased the number of addicts here. There is free treatment available but they don't take advantage of it and it rarely works anyway.
I've been chasing down some changes in the laws. This change, I believe from last Nov., really looks like you can separate your kief.

It says plain as day you can sell your kief in separate batches. How do you sell it separately if you don't separate it.

Summary: Subsection (s)(2): Adds new language allowing grower and processors to collect kief and requires kief collected from multiple harvest batches to be homogenized as a new batch not exceeding fifteen (15) pounds and tested under OAC 310:681-8-1(I)

Full regs:

“Kief" means the resinous trichomes or marijuana that have been separated from the marijuana plan

(2) Kief. Growers and processors may collect kief from multiple harvest batches. The kief must be homogenized into a new batch not exceed fifteen (15) pounds. Kief collected by a grower is subject to the same testing requirements of a harvest batch under OAC 310:681- 8-1(i).

This says "growers and processors".

With a 60 foot by 60 garden, fenced with all security in place, too, am looking (dreaming actually) to make a buck. I had leased it out to some growers for two years.

Some growers that use like a Twister T4/T6 that has suction can collect quite a bit of kief, and you can sell it. It has to be tested just like a new batch. We tried a T4 once, it just sucked all the trichs off. We've been hand trimming (or hiring hand trimmers) for a while now.
Some growers that use like a Twister T4/T6 that has suction can collect quite a bit of kief, and you can sell it. It has to be tested just like a new batch. We tried a T4 once, it just sucked all the trichs off. We've been hand trimming (or hiring hand trimmers) for a while now.
The growers tried hand trimming their crop out back but it was too slow. They didn't even make it through the second year.

My son has a vegetable garden out there right now but maybe if the State gets their act together we will grow. Anyhow, that that's the plan and that's why this thread is important to us.

So quick question is it still to early to put out plants outside. I got 4 that are flowering
If you're in Oklahoma, the equinox is June 20th. You could prob set them out pretty soon, you might see some slight re-veg, but as the days get shorter after the 20th, you should be good.