Oklahoma Growers Thread!

It's been since 2012 since we've had a dry spell/hot spell like this.... fucking terrible ... Last year, I prob ran tower sprinklers once a week.. now, I have 7 of them that run from 11 am till 11pm, or longer.... Pretty soon, they'll be running 24/7.... I've worked too hard on this property to lose it to heat. I just move them around all day long about every 3 hours. I only keep about 5 acres of 12 green.. the rest can fucking die... about 40% of my 12 acres are trees thankfully.
I used to keep a big horse pasture cleared by cutting it with a tractor and weed eater but I didn't have a horse and when the kids moved out I just didn't see the need for a big ass field I didn't use so I let it grow over. Now I have a small yard and 90% woods for the animals. I cut trails and maintain them so I can get through easily with a walker or some of them my e scooter even, but mostly it's just wild. It's nice to have all the habitat for the deer and other animals. I get to see tons of wildlife that I'd miss if it was more open. Makes hunting season more productive too.
No thanks, you can have that mess. We have high 80s and low 90s with thunderstorms and that's bad enough. Hope you guys do okay out there. I know you're used to it for the most part, but damn.
You have a really nice garden. I'm curious about something, how is it growing in town? How do the neighbors react or do you compare plants?
My neighbours are part of the R&D dept.ha..
Most are clueless..
My neighbor had 2 plants do that. Yesterday before the rain came through, they were fine. Then, today when he went out to check them, they were like this. I went over to take a look this afternoon, and the leaves we're already brown and crispy.

He was taking care of the garden pretty well, and they were looking good. Then they just died. I don't know what did it. His plants were in 5gal buckets. My plants in the ground have never done that before. Is that heat stress? Is the variety just not heat tolerant?
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My next for neighbor had 2 plants do that. Yesterday before the rain came through, they were fine. Then, today when he went out to check them, they were like this. I went over to take a look this afternoon, and the leaves we're already brown and crispy.

He was taking care of the garden pretty well, and they were looking good. Then they just died. I don't know what did it. His plants were in 5gal buckets. My plants in the ground have never done that before. Is that heat stress? Is the variety just not heat tolerant?
The heat and very high humidity aint helping things. I did remove my black weed cloth and remulched a bit.trying to get some air to the root area..im not going to use weed barrier again. cept for shade rolls. My skywalker og looks that green child on starwars. Ya got to kill some plants to grow some..


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