old hands

Looks like people have already helped you out ....but I bought a rolling machine to help me help my patients who can't roll ....it wasn't cheap, but it works very well and has lasted me years and years ....it's a large unit....so it's more for sitting down and rolling a whole days or weeks worth .....I forget the name ...but if you haven't already figured something out to try ....let me know and il get the info for ya ....best of luck

I've tried one of those.....couldn't get it to work correctly. I've heard others say that too.

picked it up today...but after 4 hrs running around it was not that important...my wife is a curious gal...I suggested she read the manual if she was gonna play with it...she responded...nah...I'll figure it....she rolled a perfect joint first time...too bad she just found another job...good for me.....lol

i got a couple, I have one of those silver zig zag devices and it works ok but the Raw hand roller & zig zag roller in the 70mm & 110mm sizes are the easiest to roll joints in seconds. I have the absolute worst dexterity and couldn't roll a joint to save my life.