old hippy trick


Well-Known Member
Pull your plant, roots and all, the day before you would chop.
Put entire root ball under water, you are going to drown your plant.
The idea is to cut off oxygen, plants die slowly.
This allows them to finish maturing and to start curing. Ideally leave plants in total darkness from 24-72 hours, although periods up to a week have been tested with good results.
You can also drown ypur plants under normal lighting conditions just expect it to take twice the time.
Its important to KNOW when to harvest for this plan to work well.
It's all personal preference, however it has been noted that curing is not necessary the traditional way burping jars.
Does anybody have any good experience doing this with outdoor crops? Only done it inside, moving on to bigger and better things.
RiddleMe3 did a long thread on flooding to cure a few yrs back. To reduce cure time down to 2wks. I tried it a couple of times and it would speed up the curing process, or at least get it to a point where it wouldn't get any better. The smoke was smooth but it lost almost all it's flavor. I gave it up after the 2 tries. I'd rather take the time to get flavor and smooth.
RiddleMe3 did a long thread on flooding to cure a few yrs back. To reduce cure time down to 2wks. I tried it a couple of times and it would speed up the curing process, or at least get it to a point where it wouldn't get any better. The smoke was smooth but it lost almost all it's flavor. I gave it up after the 2 tries. I'd rather take the time to get flavor and smooth.
Interesting to hear of flavor loss, that is not good. I am trying to bring out the most flavor.
I used to do this, Then riddle turned me on to a FASTER way. pour boiling hot water on roots, wait 3 days. same effect. no flavor loss
Really? That's cool. So have you done this?

The reason I want to do this is to cut the cure time as much as possible.
RiddleMe3 did a long thread on flooding to cure a few yrs back. To reduce cure time down to 2wks. I tried it a couple of times and it would speed up the curing process, or at least get it to a point where it wouldn't get any better. The smoke was smooth but it lost almost all it's flavor. I gave it up after the 2 tries. I'd rather take the time to get flavor and smooth.
I can't seem to find an account under the ne riddleme3
I edited and added a link to riddleme's flushing thread. just click on it, then you can click on his name and find other threads
I see. I've been through those pages once or twice. The more I read the less I understand what is happening. Is it fermentation or no?
I see. I've been through those pages once or twice. The more I read the less I understand what is happening. Is it fermentation or no?
There is another word for it, I forget what it is, another member qwizoking told it to me once. But it is pretty much the same thing. the breakdown of sugars and starches.
There is another word for it, I forget what it is, another member qwizoking told it to me once. But it is pretty much the same thing. the breakdown of sugars and starches.
I'm probably over thinking it I just want to have the best possible end product in the shortest amount of time. If that makes any sense. I'm gonna go read tomato forums to learn botany things now lol.
I'm probably over thinking it I just want to have the best possible end product in the shortest amount of time. If that makes any sense. I'm gonna go read tomato forums to learn botany things now lol.
Do a search here for Uncle Ben, read any and all his threads. He is about as old a hippy as you get. can be a little rough, but he means well and is full of top notch info.
Do a search here for Uncle Ben, read any and all his threads. He is about as old a hippy as you get. can be a little rough, but he means well and is full of top notch info.
If only there was a 30 hour day so I could read for an extra 6. I will continue my due diligence on research thanks for help and advice.