Old Hydro grower looking @ Aeroponics


New Member
That would work well. I can send you some nutrient formulas or post them if you wish so t you can see about what to look for. They are of couse different than the MJ. Actually the strawberry is close enough to the mj to grow in the same nutrients. It is lso a small root system plant so it does vert y well in NTF. The giant Japanese strawberry is grown in the US in greenhouse NTF systems. You really just need to look at their ratios of N,P,K and the Calcium. They are not different it is just that the EC they run is typiaclly as high as they can get with in commercial greenhoses versu mj growing, tomatos are lower in their phosphorus need and seem toless tolerant of low calcium and they require a lot of potash as they have very high water uptake.

Nitrogen 155
Phosphorus 70
Potassium 256
Magnesium 49
Calcium 126
Sulfur 65
Iron 4.90
Manganese 1.97
Boron .70
Zinc .25
Copper .07
Molybdenum .05
EC 1.7
TDS 1190
pH 5.8

Pot Bloom
Nitrogen 267
Phosphorus 82
Potassium 291
Magnesium 93
Calcium 261
Sulfur 123
Iron 10.00
Manganese 5.00
Boron 5.00
Zinc 5.00
Copper 1.00
Molybdenum .09

Nitrogen 302
Phosphorus 103
Potassium 364
Magnesium 96
Calcium 330
Sulfur 174
Iron 4.90
Manganese 1.97
Boron .70
Zinc .25
Copper .07
Molybdenum .05
EC 3.0
TDS 2100
ph 5.8

Nitrogen 362
Phosphorus 89
Potassium 509
Magnesium 77
Calcium 294
Sulfur 102
Iron 4.90
Manganese 1.97
Boron .70
Zinc .25
Copper .07
Molybdenum .05
pH 5.0
EC 3.5
TDS 2457


top info fatman. quite speechless actually thank you very much more than I expected.

Time to start growing.

Thanks to everyone for comments.:clap:
Ok i'm new to all of this. I just built an "aero" system I used 5" x 5" square tube with sites spaced 16" apart Iv got 1" drains in each tube and usesing 1/2" pvc for a spray bar with the finest mister heads I could find.

My question is there a better way? anyone have links or ideas?


Well-Known Member
I rebuilt my system with a 7 inch drop from front to back, I also cut the square holes into the side of the res. I will start 8 inch plants in it this week, this will keep the root sizes down. Finally I will use non-organic nutrients with Chlorine right up until the last 2 weeks, then I will switch to Botanicare Pure Bloom Pro, partially organic, and run that to finish.

I now think flushing is bull shit, so I will have a 1 day flush with ClearX at the end.

I am not only confident this will stop the root rot, which DOES occur I just harvested, but also it will stop the stall at the end of the grow. You who have used this system know what I mean, the last 2 or 3 week sit there and do nothing effect. This is because I have so much of a grade, nearly 45°, that the water will run right off of them....

I am starting to research and plan for true Aero.... This system WILL give me great buds until I get there.

Edit I knew I should have posted a picture of my above description on GreenJak's thread but I deleted the post right after posting it. I will throw a picture up tonight to show what I have done since I am not a Stinkbuddy and this will be your only chance to see a picture of my advanced Stinkbud system because, I am not going to be a Stinkbud grower for much longer. I will post it up tonight.