old leaves dieng new ones healthy

I think your problem is with nute burn / your soil. "slow release " soils should be avoided as they are notorious for having "Hot" or extremely concentrated nutrient pockets within it . Most plants don't mind but cannabis burns easily. People often overestimate how much nutrient cannabis needs... it's not much.. In this case your plant isn't very big so its even less likely to be a deficiency.
Ok so this is after about 2 weeks of allowing it to dry , taking down top foil. Took out my heat lamp. Got a moisture measure room temp/ humid temp that can also basically check canopy which is no different than room temp.

And this is the second one going from this

To this

Room temp is 78
Humidity is 59%

Also the moisture meters reads about this on all of them

Ok so this is after about 2 weeks of allowing it to dry , taking down top foil. Took out my heat lamp. Got a moisture measure room temp/ humid temp that can also basically check canopy which is no different than room temp.

And this is the second one going from this

To this

Room temp is 78
Humidity is 59%

Also the moisture meters reads about this on all of them

Definitely appears to be improving. I would still strongly recommend replacing ALL foil with flat white paint. It looks like from the pictures that the only unhealthy looking leaves are old leaves. Is this the case?

» This message was posted using my phone and the RIU android app. Mi apologies four typeos or pests tha meek know cents ;-p lol «
on the bigger one it's fine , but the one I've been having problems with some new growth is getting affected like a mg deficiency described
So what now, where on the measure should I start watering again

Hector, honestly I water by weight of the pot. When it starts feeling a little light I give them some. Weight is a better indicator to me than any meter.

Fill an extra bucket with soil and compare weights if you need a base line, but really you can just tell. I hope I don't sound like an idiot here, I'm about half baked right now. I'm not the only one that goes by bucket weight am I?
Ok well few more questions
What do you think on spraying leaves with water ?
How's my new growth is this stretch ? Like u guys say. Not sure if I'm doing this right on the few new ones

Anybody? Bump

I would tell you not to spray your leaves unless theyre dirty........ even then I would try to shake em or blow it off first.... I heard something about banana peels for wiping leaves one time...........your little ones aren't really stretchy yet but they will be ...they need more light....your three finger leaves mean more light.. they should be five and seven......
foilair feeding may be a good option considering you are wanting the soil to dry and your still in veg. stage . i would water when moister meter reads to red you can research foilair feeding in the search bar (top right corner ) good luck, it already sounds like you are learning alot and this is how experience is earned.
Lowered the light, and it's been getting pretty dry, and quick but I move the meter around sometimes to make sure it's reading right .
Does high oscillation show effectiveness or can it ruin my plant right now I have my setting on low...
And someone noted flimsiness on my stems and I read good airflow strengthens stems and branches ..
Lowered the light, and it's been getting pretty dry, and quick but I move the meter around sometimes to make sure it's reading right .
Does high oscillation show effectiveness or can it ruin my plant right now I have my setting on low...
And someone noted flimsiness on my stems and I read good airflow strengthens stems and branches ..
You should always have a fan on them...
Don't worry if the plants flail around due to weak stems, they will perk up after awhile of having the fan on. They will head for the light and strengthen there stalks while doing so. The buckets you used really make it hard to water since they are narrow and solid plastic. So they will get swampy at the bottom while the tops feel really dry. If you could add more perlite to the mix that would help with this problem. If you have large holes at the bottom of pot, stick your finger in and see how wet the soil is, it may not hurt to get a small drill bit and put some small holes around the bottom of the pot to allow more air in there. Hydro farm pots have little cut outs on the side of there square white pots that seem to work good at that. I didn't noticed if you raised the pots up a little, but if you haven't I would also agree with the person that said you should raise them. So far you learned a hard lesson but it's all about learning. The MG thing may be there a little but I wouldn't worry about that till you get your roots back from the drowning them. I had the same issue many years ago and I also thought it was MG and it really from chronic overwatering and loss of root mass. They looked like they are bouncing back. There leaves have perked up quite a bit and they look like they are starting to really bounce back. I would also say you not only need more light, but also the right kind of light. You would not believe the difference from using a hortalux bulb vs a cheap grow bulb. I even used a sunmaster which was a middle of the road bulb and the hortalux blew it out of the water and brought out colors I was not able to get before. So getting a proper light would make a world of difference in your grow. Esp when you start flowering. There is nothing like the density of the buds grown under a 1000watt with a high quality horticulture bulb. If you want hightechgarden supply has some cheap packages that seem to hold up over time. I have one ballast that is going on year number 6 with out one issue. It's an old 600w digital ballast, that I just got due to price and so far it was worth every penny. There hoods are a little cheap but they get the job done and since you seem a little short on funds I would say its worth a shot. Or try eBay for other options, you may find a nice used setup for cheap on there too. Good luck and happy growing! It's a fun and sometimes frustrating journey but it is worth it. Pot isn't addictive, but growing it is!!!!
As far foliar feeding. I wouldn't bother adding anything. KISS aka "keep it simple stupid." As much as you feel like you. Need to do something to improve your growth and potential yield, the best thing is time and keep things going in the right direction. A squirt of water here and there isn't bad providing that your not 4 weeks into flower, or less depending on strain. Just wait it out and if you feel like you have to do anything then direct your attention to saving up for better equipment so you can get even better future results. Additives are neat and all but wait till you get good results using the basic NPK nutrients etc... That's a lesson I learned around year number 4. Nutrient problems also seem to arise most often, in SOIL, due to adding too much of one thing that locks out another thing. Don't make that mistake, less is more!! Although if you make that mistake, learn from it and do better next time. Happy growing, just figured I would mention something about the foliar feeding you were asking about.