Old pot plants good or bad?


Well-Known Member
Pot plants dont come back the next year, there offspring do. (seeds0 Once it flowers it dies, unless the light cycle changes.....And the fucking sun dont change

They are talking about re-vegging plants, not new plants that came from seeds. If you have 1 female plant that never gets pollinated it can be re-vegged and flowered again with varying results.

And yes the suns light cycles do change... the earth doesnt rotate parallel to the sun..



Well-Known Member
another way to look at it is comparing it to a mother plant. Every clone you take off that plant is theoreticly as old as the mother it came from, which is why they can be put into flower right after they take root. So do mother plants lose their potency over time... i dont think so. One of the main reasons people get rid of mother plants is because they have outgrown their home. But even when the mother plants are put into flower, their replacements are usually a clone off the mother itself. So again you have a plant of the same age continuing to grow.

So find someone who has kept a strain going for a long time and see if they can remember if the weed they first got was better than it is now. Chances are they cant remember since its prolly been some kick ass weed the whole time.

As far as reveging plants outside after they flower.. well they do it in spain. The climate has to be just right, if your winters involve snow i dont think shell make it. Ive done it indoors a few times, but the problems you run into is the roots. Youll have to trim them and repot like a bansi. Also it takes 2 weeks or more to even revert to veg

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
i kept a budding plant alive 10 months after she should've been plucked, all the leaves fell of and the bud started rotting underneath the slow new growth... ended up throwing her away


Well-Known Member
i kept a budding plant alive 10 months after she should've been plucked, all the leaves fell of and the bud started rotting underneath the slow new growth... ended up throwing her away
The idea is to harvest the buds off the plant, then re-veg whats left.



Well-Known Member
how long do people re veg for? and do you think you would get more yield the second harvest become the plant has already grow and bigger?


Well-Known Member
you should really try to get that picture and post it!!!!!

Yah, i texted him yesterday and he said his mom was looking for the picture... It sure would be a sight to see.


Well-Known Member
But even when the mother plants are put into flower, their replacements are usually a clone off the mother itself. So again you have a plant of the same age continuing to grow.
why not just air layer the mother and replant her.

but that might be cloning her do you think air layering is clonning?


Well-Known Member
why not just air layer the mother and replant her.

but that might be cloning her do you think air layering is clonning?

i think you quoted the wrong person because i never said that... actually you were looking for

another way to look at it is comparing it to a mother plant. Every clone you take off that plant is theoreticly as old as the mother it came from, which is why they can be put into flower right after they take root. So do mother plants lose their potency over time... i dont think so. One of the main reasons people get rid of mother plants is because they have outgrown their home. But even when the mother plants are put into flower, their replacements are usually a clone off the mother itself. So again you have a plant of the same age continuing to grow.

So find someone who has kept a strain going for a long time and see if they can remember if the weed they first got was better than it is now. Chances are they cant remember since its prolly been some kick ass weed the whole time.

As far as reveging plants outside after they flower.. well they do it in spain. The climate has to be just right, if your winters involve snow i dont think shell make it. Ive done it indoors a few times, but the problems you run into is the roots. Youll have to trim them and repot like a bansi. Also it takes 2 weeks or more to even revert to veg


Active Member
Air layering is cloning. You are just wrapping a medium around the plant's branch (which you have previously damaged) while still allowing the xylem and phloem to remain intact.


Active Member
The most intriguing thing to me would be altering marijuana from an annual to a perennial; if there is some way to alter the genetic makeup, you could create an enormous pot tree because marijuana is a dicot with a vascular cambium, as well as a cork cambium, which means that it can divide laterally, as well as produce bark.

The only weak link is the way the plant is programmed.


Well-Known Member
you cant reveg outdoors...sorry bro but what he told you was a lie...to reveg a plant its gotta go back under at least 18 hours of light immediately...and well nature just isnt like that. easy to do indoors though


Well-Known Member
The most intriguing thing to me would be altering marijuana from an annual to a perennial; if there is some way to alter the genetic makeup, you could create an enormous pot tree because marijuana is a dicot with a vascular cambium, as well as a cork cambium, which means that it can divide laterally, as well as produce bark.

The only weak link is the way the plant is programmed.
Someone sent me a message saying that you can alter a plants genetics with radiation.


Well-Known Member
In high school my dealer had a bush on the side of his house. It was as big as his vw beetle turned on it's bumper. Every year he hung a buttload of large white Xmas lights in it after harvest. This was a Colombian and finished lste November. After Xmas, he would light it up from a flood light mounted to his soffit pointing down at it until March. At that point it was plenty revegged. I know for a fact he kept it alive at least four years. He claimed it was around three years before I met him. I wager I could have stood on the first two or three branches at my high scoop weight. I've had a lot of munchie sessions since then.


Well-Known Member
lmfao...change the genetics with radiation...thats a crock of shit... :weed: pot plants are like vegetables...they fruit and flower during there season... people have protested the longer you leave it..the better it gets...think about how much nutes a 3 year old tree would need.... maybe we need to have a little mythbusters session..