old school brown paper bag


Well-Known Member
This is how I dry quick with great results....

Harvest and trim....take brown paper bag and fill so no buds are overlaping...for three to four days leave buds in bag but change out for a fresh dry bag every 24 hours...then at end of third or forth day place in jars and drop a humidity reader in...open jars if it goes over 60%...when it stabilizes keep jar caped for at least one week while monitoring the humidity in jar...and whammo premo budage !!


Well-Known Member
no offense good sir, but when you move out of your parents basement, you'll be able to grow enough so you have it around from last grow, while your doing a proper dry/cure for the current.


Active Member
it takes 2 weeks to dry? wow Michigan air must be potent as fuck only takes 3 nights. I know growers that use the bag they got some good smoke I don't see a difference but thanks for the knowledge on the technique.


Well-Known Member
how long it takes dry has more to do with relative humidity than anything else. you can control Rh with a humidifier or dehumidifier and an enclosed space whether its a paper bag or an entire room. the best dry/cures (curing is an extension of drying. its just another enclosed space with a hygrometer thrown in) are slow and last days or weeks depending on bud density.


Well-Known Member
Yep rh does have everything to do with drying...but if rh is a little out of optimal conditions then the bag will help greatly for sure