Old toker here, show your age, be nice!

We used to refer to that as pheasant under glass. A bar that I used to hang out it was a pin a coaster and a large glass. If anyone came in we could ditch it easy and those days you could smoke cigarettes in bars.

Did you ever smoke a Thai stick as a whole, I always broke it up. I am hoping to recreate them this season as burn it as a whole.
It was only 3 or 4 hits. It was only around ,it's seems like maybe 2-3 years. Really hard to get in my location. Maybe smoked it 15-20 time. We never had any money. Rich boys shared theirs, thank god.
How many of you are old enough to remember back in the early 70's.
When all there was was Mexican.
We bought lids for $15 .
A lid was as much weed as you could pile on a coffee lid, until it would fall off the edges, then put in a baggie.

Also nickels and dimes.
Nickle was 1 figer of weed.
Dime was 2 fingers.

And it always had seeds.

Good day all.
46 and we used to get a lot of mexi brick here in Massachusetts back in the early 90s when I first started smoking weed. But also really good afghani and skunk.
I remember my crazy hippy uncle talking about the black hash from the 70s and how it was so good that he had to sniff the ashes after smoking it lol! He was such a weird fucking guy.
I thought that only Keith Richards had ash sniffing issues.

Keith Richards performs at Twickenham with The Rolling Stones as part of their A Bigger Bang world tour.

Keith Richards performs at Twickenham with The Rolling Stones Photograph: Ian West/PA
UK news

Keith Richards tells of snorting his dad's ashes with cocaine

Lee Glendinning

Keith Richards admits ingesting all manner of substances in his time. But none quite as bizarre as he reveals in his latest confession: he snorted his father's ashes.

I thought that only Keith Richards had ash sniffing issues.

Keith Richards performs at Twickenham with The Rolling Stones as part of their A Bigger Bang world tour.

Keith Richards performs at Twickenham with The Rolling Stones Photograph: Ian West/PA
UK news

Keith Richards tells of snorting his dad's ashes with cocaine

Lee Glendinning

Keith Richards admits ingesting all manner of substances in his time. But none quite as bizarre as he reveals in his latest confession: he snorted his father's ashes.

People do some weird shit man.