older leaves brown and die


I use about half the water to the pot volume. 1 gal pot 1/2 gal of water.
does this change with plants being small or big? i mean i thought the seedlings need less water so little amount of water should be enough.
is it should be like, the amount of water for the pot be the same but small plants need watering less frequently?

... you guys might want to get the ph tested. I don't worry to much about it any more. but I shoot for a ph of 5-7
i am watering with rain water for the last two times it should be between 5-7. we should check the ph of the run-off water tho...
i need to find the solution for this problem,am a bit depressed at the time :(

crazycanuk, sorry for highjacking your thread but it looks like we are on the same boat.


Well-Known Member
I use smaller pots. seedlings in cups for the first 2-3 weeks then up to a 1/2 gal sometimes they go all the way to a 5 gal. the thing with the water....
mainley you want to get all of your soil good and moist. It drys from the top down. so the roots go looking for water. builds a good strong root baseDo you have a thread with all your grow info?


I use smaller pots. seedlings in cups for the first 2-3 weeks then up to a 1/2 gal sometimes they go all the way to a 5 gal. the thing with the water....
mainley you want to get all of your soil good and moist. It drys from the top down. so the roots go looking for water. builds a good strong root baseDo you have a thread with all your grow info?
here it is.there are some pix at the 5th post of the thread...

thanks for your interest.


Well-Known Member
*** Online Growing School 101 ***

Read threw this if you want. good way to start your plants.
I'm no expert I listen to DR Dank and uncle ben. They are two guys that know there shit on this site also fdd2bk is good. I'm not saying there 's not others But I've learned alot from these Guys.


i have exactly 14weeks before i need to leave the place where my grospace is in.do you think a good idea to start some seedlings right now and go along with the best of my growing plants,can i get them to harvest within 14weeks going with this online school? seeds are pure afghan indica taken from some outdoor plot.


Well-Known Member
only if you started flower now. I think you would be pushing to be done in 14 weeks. Mybe not pushing but tight. I'm not a sprout and flower kind a guy so I don't know the ins and outs


my grow is, 14 X 32W 6500k T8 Tubes (florescent) , approx 30,000 + lumens. water ph (was like 8 out of tap!!! ) i started modifieing not long ago so my plants might be working off a little ph imbalance now too. aim at 5.7 - 6.3 . um, started from seed, unknown strain.. i mean, there is a strain whene i ordered them, but i have had them a while and forgot what one i eeny meany miney moe'd that fatefull day long ago surfing the net. lol. i used soil mix from wal mart witch was a mistake in my opinion, i didnt realize it had nutes time release in the soil. iv been doing full flushes until now so the soil should be pretty out of nutes too.. next time im going to use some of the sunshine mix my hydro store has, its not nuted and is ready mixed for this purpose.

until recently i thaught i was underwatering , but now im starting tyo think iv been locking nutes out from OVER watering . it has all the signs of K defficiency but its not k defficiency.. but saugy roots can look like it alot as it sufficates the roots to death.
i was giving them about 2 litres every 3 days... my guy suspects thats too much and frankly i think so too.. it nver did dry right out the soil :cuss: ..

i dropped the humidity in the room to speed up the soil drying and have more air flow now... they dont seem to be getting worse now, the one is still surging ahead reguardless of its problems but the other has slown to a dead stop... hope i can fix this with less water because flower switch is only but 2 weeks away :(

@ congoz ... i dont mind people hijacking i read and learn.. all good reading material.



Well-Known Member
just asking. why do you want your soil to dry faster? I would be happy as hell if I only had to water once a week.


because at this point im convinced that the roots are unhappy, i want them to dry out real good THIS time so i can be sure im not watering too much


Well-Known Member
use your pointer finger and push into the soil to the second nuckle. when you think it feels dry wait another day to water.